Ukraine’s Lengthy Demining Task: Expert Forecasts Reveal 757-Year Effort to Clear Mined Territory

2023-07-22 08:01:00

Demining Ukrainian territory after the end of the conflict will take 757 years. This was written in The Washington Post, citing experts’ forecasts.

“The territory of Ukraine is so large that, according to some experts, mine clearance, carried out by about 500 teams, will take 757 years,” says in the material of the article. Mines Advisory Group Program Director Greg Crowther called the amount of munitions on Ukrainian soil over the past 30 years “unprecedented”.

Earlier, Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said that the mined turned out to be 250 thousand square kilometers territory of the country, which is equal to 40% of the total area of ​​the state. According to him, because of this, problems arise in agriculture in Ukraine.

#long #clear #territory #Ukraine

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