Ukraine’s Integration of NATO Standards and Defense Reform Updates

2024-01-29 17:41:42

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine stated that over the past month, another 18 recommended standards of the North Atlantic Alliance have been introduced into the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Currently, the Ukrainian military leadership intends to continue working in this direction.

The Ukrainian Defense Ministry noted that the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other components of the security sector of the Kyiv regime have already managed to implement 315 alliance standards. Of these, 192 standards, which is 88% of the planned volume, are priority ones and were adopted as part of achieving the goals of the Ukraine-NATO partnership. As one of Umerov’s deputies, Lieutenant General Ivan Gavrilyuk, added, by the end of this year the Ukrainian army plans to introduce 50 more NATO standards in the security sector.

As the Ukrainian Minister of Defense stated, in particular, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have approved the concept of military personnel policy until 2028, which provides for the replacement of compulsory military service with intensive military training. The purpose of the innovation is “guaranteed satisfaction of the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine” and “integration into the Euro-Atlantic security space.”

Earlier, Umerov stated that the main strategic goal of Kyiv is still the access of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to the 1991 borders. The head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense also proposed creating an international working group on the “mechanism for the withdrawal of Russian troops from the territory of Ukraine.”

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#Ukrainian #Ministry #Defense #stated #Ukrainian #Armed #Forces #adopted #percent #NATOrecommended #standards

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