Ukraine’s combat robot “Lyut” drives away soldiers from Russia

Ukraine’s combat robot “Lyut” drives away soldiers from Russia

Revolutionizing Warfare: Ukraine’s Advanced Ground Drone ‘Lyut’

Ukraine has made headlines with its innovative approach to modern warfare, particularly with the introduction of the ground drone known as ‘Lyut’. Translated to ‘anger’ in English, this combat technology has showcased its effectiveness in combat scenarios, pushing traditional warfare boundaries and showcasing a shift in military strategies.

What is the ‘Lyut’ Drone?

The ‘Lyut’ is a ground drone resembling a remote-controlled mini-tank. It is designed to operate autonomously and conduct reconnaissance, combat, and logistical operations in the field. Its introduction aligns with Ukraine’s ongoing efforts to enhance their military capabilities amid ongoing conflicts.

Recent Combat Usage

In a recent operation in the Kursk region, Ukraine’s Lyut drone successfully drove Russian forces out of a strategic position. Coordinated with mortar fire and explosive drones, Lyut maneuvered around mines, engaging enemy positions effectively. A video shared on social media (source: @bayraktar_1love) illustrates the drone’s capabilities, showing it coming under fire but ultimately fulfilling its mission.

Battlefield Performance

The operation was reported by the 1st Division of the 8th Special Regiment of the Army of Ukraine, highlighting the drone’s resilience despite several hits from RPGs and FPV drones. The mission concluded with enemy forces retreating, showcasing the effectiveness of drone technology in modern warfare.

Changing Warfare Dynamics

“The methods of warfare are changing,” stated the Ukrainian military. This shift not only refers to the technology employed but also the strategic integration of unmanned systems into combat. By utilizing drones, the risk of human casualties is reduced, enabling operations that would otherwise be too risky for ground troops.

The ‘People Donate, Robots Fight’ Initiative

The introduction of the Lyut drone is part of a broader initiative overseen by the Ukrainian government, titled “People donate, robots fight”. This program allows civilians to contribute directly to the military’s operational capabilities through donations, supporting the construction and deployment of various robotic units.

Types of Combat Robots

In addition to the Lyut, the initiative has introduced various other combat robots, including:

  • Moroz: An attack robot designed for close-combat scenarios.
  • Ratel H: A robot intended for recovering injured soldiers.
  • Automatic gun turrets: Enhancing defensive capabilities on the ground.
  • Suicide drones: Capable of laying mines or performing targeted attacks.

Funding and Public Involvement

The development of the Lyut and other combat technologies relies heavily on public funding. The Ukrainian government encourages contributions from the international community, emphasizing that the cost of one Lyut drone is approximately $16,000. This relatively low cost, compared to human lives, incentivizes donations.

Fundraising Campaigns

United24 collaborates with the North Atlantic Fella Organization (NAFO) to reach fundraising goals. Their latest campaign aims to raise $160,000 to build ten Lyut drones. Participants not only contribute to military advancements but enter a raffle with exciting prizes, including a flag signed by President Zelenskyy.

Impact on Modern Warfare

Ukraine’s use of drones like the Lyut is a clear indication of how technology is transforming military engagement. The integration of advanced robots on the battlefield represents a significant shift in tactics, prioritizing machine efficiency over human deployment while aiming to minimize casualties.

Visualizing Technology in Action

Video of the Lyut in Action:

Gallery of Combat Robots

Robot Name Function Cost
Lyut Ground combat drone $16,000
Moroz Attack robot $12,000
Ratel H Casualty evacuation $20,000
Automatic Gun Turret Defensive measures $15,000


The evolution of warfare is evident in Ukraine’s deployment of the Lyut and other advanced drones. As traditional combat roles are redefined by technology, nations worldwide will likely adopt similar strategies to enhance their military operations. The direct involvement of civilians through initiatives like “People donate, robots fight” creates an unprecedented dynamic in modern warfare, highlighting the importance of public support in military endeavors.



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