Ukraine suspends league games after Russia landslide

The Ukrainian league has suspended at least a month following Russia’s military invasion, while Andrei Shevchenko and Oleksandr Zinchenko took a stand in support of their homeland.

The Ukrainian Premier League has been suspended for at least 30 days following Russian President Vladimir Putin. Declare war, begin military operations in the Donbas region. east of Ukraine On Thursday morning, February 24

Previously, clubs in the Ukrainian League Has changed the color of the logo of each team to blue-yellow. which is the color of the national flag to show unity following the Russian crisis Military operations have begun.

Originally Ukrainian League There is a program to resume playing following the winter break on Friday, February 25, but the unsafe situation has forced the brakes for at least a month and may affect the 2022 World Cup play-off round. In Ukraine, he will visit Scotland on March 24 as well.

while Andrei Shevchenko, the legendary Ukrainian national team striker The post supported the homeland following Russia recognized Donetsk and Luhansk as independent states and sent troops into eastern Ukraine on the grounds of peacekeeping.

Oleksandr Zinchenko, left-back of the Ukrainian national team The man, who plays for Manchester City, also came out to support his homeland following declaring a national emergency to deal with the threat. By posting on IG showing the stance that “My country belongs to the Ukrainian people.”

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