Ukraine: Russian bombardment of Zaporiza nuclear power plant… “Emergency power generation is in operation again”

Ukraine “Emergency Power Supply from Diesel Generators”… A meltdown crisis occurs when the power supply is interrupted

Ukraine said on the 8th (local time) that another bombardment of the Zaporiza nuclear power plant in Ukraine, which continues to rage between Russia and Ukraine, has resulted in the nuclear power plant relying on emergency power generation.

Ukrainian state-owned Energoatom, the operator of the Zaporiza nuclear power plant, said on the morning of the morning that the nuclear power plant had been disconnected from external power sources due to Russian bombardment, reported. Currently, nuclear power plants are supplied with the necessary power through emergency diesel generators.

Energoatom explained that “the diesel generator started automatically,” and “there is fuel for emergency power generation for regarding ten days.” Nuclear power plants require power to cool the nuclear reactor and spent fuel. If the power is not supplied properly, the nuclear reactor overheats, causing core melting (meltdown) in which the nuclear fuel rod bundles melt, resulting in a serious accident in which radioactive materials are leaked. can lead

Currently, the six reactors of the Japorija nuclear power plant have been shut down due to concerns regarding shelling damage, but electricity is required to perform a minimum safety function.

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Secretary-General Rafael Grosi is scheduled to visit Russia early next week following his visit to Ukraine the day before to discuss ways to set up a safe zone for nuclear power plants.

Reporter Kim Hyun-ah



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