Ukraine. Russian attack on Poltava. Many victims

Ukraine. Russian attack on Poltava. Many victims

As a result of the Russian forces’ attack on Poltava, 51 people were killed and 271 injured. The Ministry of Defense reported that two ballistic missiles fell on the city. Residents donate blood to help the injured.

On Tuesday, Ukrainian media reported that the city of Poltava in central Ukraine had been attacked by ballistic missiles. The reports were soon confirmed by the Defense Ministry, which said that two Russian ballistic missiles had landed on the city.

As a result of the attack, 51 people were killed and 271 injured.

“The time interval between the air raid alert being triggered and the arrival of the deadly missiles was so short that they reached people at the moment they were evacuating to a shelter,” the ministry said on Telegram.

The statement said the rockets landed on the university grounds. “One of the institute’s buildings was partially destroyed, and many people were trapped under the rubble,” the Ukrainian Defense Ministry reported.

Poltava is located in the central part of Ukraine Google Maps

Zelensky orders an investigation

“The area of ​​an educational institution and a neighboring hospital were hit. One of the buildings of the Institute of Communications was partially destroyed. Unfortunately, many (civilians) died,” President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a recording posted on social media.

The president ordered an investigation to examine all the circumstances of the tragedy. He emphasized that all the necessary services were involved in the rescue operation.

“I am grateful to everyone who helps people and saves lives from the first minutes after the attack. Russian scoundrels must answer for this attack,” Zelensky declared.

Zelensky speaks of missile attack on Poltava and appeals for weapons supplies

A military academy was attacked

The BBC reported that the target of the Russian attack was the Poltava Military Communications Institute.

According to Russian Telegram channels, the attack was carried out using Iskander missiles during the gathering of Ukrainian soldiers on the territory of the 179th training center.

Hours after the Russian attack, Ukrainian parliamentary deputy Marjana Bezuhla noted that the tragedy of the 128th Brigade had been repeated when a Russian missile hit a concentration of Ukrainian soldiers during an awards ceremony last November, killing 19 Ukrainian soldiers.

Poltava residents told Ukrainian television Suspilne that they heard two explosions. Moments earlier, the Ukrainian Air Force warned that Russian missiles were heading toward the city.

– The glass in the windows was completely smashed, the refrigerator was turned upside down. Inside, everything that was standing is lying. Only now am I beginning to realize what could have happened – one of the residents of the district where the attack took place told Suspilne television.

Ukrainian military sources reported that one of the Institute’s buildings was partially destroyed. Many people were trapped under the rubble.

A resident named Olena said that she hid in the bathroom with her child during the explosions. “There was an alarm, literally a minute passed and immediately there were one or two explosions. We thought it hit our house. All the windows were broken, including those in the stairwell,” she reported.

Residents donate blood to help the injured

Ukrainian Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko said the attack damaged nearby residential buildings, with the shockwave breaking windows and damaging facades.

Residents are donating blood to help the wounded, said Poltava Oblast Chief Filip Pronin. He called the attack “a terrible day for the region”. “All relevant services are working at the scene. The coordinated actions of rescuers and medics have saved many lives today. Many Poltava residents are donating blood to help the wounded,” he said.

The regional government has declared three days of mourning. Blood for the wounded can be donated until the end of the week.

Polish MFA: Russia must answer for its actions

After the attack, the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement. “We condemn the Russian attack on the hospital and educational institution in Poltava. We express our deepest sympathy and solidarity with the people of Ukraine. Poland will continue to support Ukraine in its defense against aggression. Russia must answer for its actions,” we read., Ukrainian Truth, NV, PAP

Main image source: NEXTA



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