Ukraine-News: Largest share of German arms exports goes to Ukraine

As a lesson from the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, the Head of the European People’s Party (EPP), Manfred Weber, more intensive military cooperation in the EU. “The EU states must now finally set up a European Defense Union tackle,” says Weber of the Bayern media group. There must be common EU rules for the export of armaments so that a common European defense industry can emerge.
“And we need joint projects like that Building a missile defense shield for the EU. Chancellor Scholz and French President Macron are in the process of missing a historically decisive course,” says Weber.

The EPP boss also called for the Delivery of new and better weapons to Ukraine. “If we don’t strengthen Ukraine, 2023 could be even worse than last year,” says Weber. Therefore, the federal government must coordinate the delivery of modern tanks with the NATO partners

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