Ukraine is waiting "gloomy winter"Russia is stepping up its offensive, and US support is weakening, – WSJ – UNIAN

Winter is Coming: Ukraine’s Long, Dark Struggle

Ah, dear readers, gather round! Our favorite world scenario is unfolding: Ukraine is at it again! This time, President Zelensky is asking the West, specifically the Biden administration, for more weapons to tip the scales in a battle that’s gone on longer than your uncle’s boring stories at family gatherings. But alas, the West—featuring the good old US of A—is rather skeptical. Who could have guessed that negotiating with a bear that’s munching on your picnic lunch might be a little complex?

Snow Way Out

The article tells us that Ukraine is bracing for a “harsh winter.” Harsh, indeed! It’s like trying to bake a soufflé with a hairdryer. Limited supplies and slow aid from the West are whipping the Ukrainian military’s tail end like a wet noodle. As they lose ground, their strategy seems to be: let’s inflict as much pain on Russia while we’re at it! It’s like the world’s most dangerous game of Twister—right foot on red, and a potential win for diplomacy!

Presidential Paranoia

And just when you thought it couldn’t get any crazier, it’s not just winter that’s coming. There’s also political uncertainty in the US, with Donald Trump eyeing the presidential throne again! Imagine being Ukraine and wondering if the man who once considered a deal with Putin might be back in charge. Spoiler: it’s not the ‘nice summer’ they were hoping for!

“Forcing Ukraine to negotiate from a position of weakness will not end the conflict, but will only encourage Putin to continue his goal of complete control over Ukraine.”

Winter of Discontent

Ukrainian resilience is put to the test. They recently pulled a surprise offensive in the Kursk region, reclaiming towns faster than a cat running away from a dog. But hang on! They’re short on supplies and personnel. It’s as if they’re trying to pull off a heist with no getaway car. And while polls show some Ukrainians are losing patience with the war, a strikingly low number is willing to make concessions. Talk about sticking to your guns—or in this case, your dreams of sovereignty!

Rising Costs for Moscow

Meanwhile, Russia is not exactly sending flowers either. The Russian army is reportedly suffering heavy losses. It’s like a bad sitcom: they keep trying new characters—this time convicts—with the promise of glory in exchange for their lives. You’d think they’d learn from history that you can’t build an empire on desperate measures!

“They will attack again, and this will continue until our country disappears from the world map.”

The Frontlines Are a Mess

As October marches on, the frontlines remain chaotic. It’s a slow occupation, like getting up on a Monday morning. The Russians are slowly advancing but are paying dearly for any patch of land they get to call their own. It’s a creeping occupation—more tortoise than hare! So, what’s next in this grand tragedy? If only there was a scriptwriter to tidy up the loose ends.

Your Next Binge-Worthy Update

The reality is that this war isn’t fading into the sunset anytime soon. The Biden administration’s reluctance and the shadow of Trump’s potential return put Ukraine in a precarious situation. Will they get more armor or be left with nothing but dreams of an easy winter? Only time will tell, and let’s face it—time in this drama is an expensive luxury!

As always, stay tuned for updates on this saga that keeps delivering twists and turns. After all, why binge-watch a show when real life feels like an epic series of ‘Game of Thrones’ without the dragons? Stay warm, Ukraine, and know we’re all rooting for you—just make sure it’s not in a position of weakness!

President Zelensky is asking for more weapons and other aid to help end the war on favorable terms, but the Biden administration is skeptical.

Ukraine is facing a “harsh winter” / photo 110 separate mechanized brigade named after Coroner General Mark Bezruchko

The war in Ukraine is nearing the end of its third year as Russia continues its relentless offensive and Western leaders seek ways to end the conflict, writes The Wall Street Journal.

Ukraine is bracing for a harsh winter due to limited and slow arms supplies from the West. Its numerically superior army is gradually losing ground on the main eastern front. As the Ukrainian military notes, their strategy is to inflict maximum losses on Russia while maintaining their own forces. However, the situation looks bleak as a “dark winter” approaches, according to one Ukrainian official.

“Why should he stop?”

Russian missile and drone attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure are exacerbating the situation, causing power outages across the country that could become even more severe in the winter. Ukrainian troops continue to hold important strategic positions in the east, such as Chasov Yar, while facing Russian attacks that include the use of powerful glide bombs. However, Russia recently gained the town of Ugledar and has advanced towards Pokrovsk, causing concern among the Ukrainian military.

US President Joe Biden and other Western leaders have repeatedly declared support for Ukraine, but the level of assistance does not allow Kyiv to stop Russia and turn the tide of the war. As one senior Ukrainian official noted: “Western leaders want Ukraine to win, but they are not providing enough support to achieve this goal.”

Among the new challenges for Kyiv is the potential victory in the US presidential election by Donald Trump, who has announced that if he wins he will seek a quick peace agreement with Russia. This is causing alarm in Kyiv, because Putin “has made it clear that he wants Ukraine to capitulate.” At the same time, Russia plans to increase military spending by 25% next year, signaling a long-term commitment to continuing the war.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, during his visits to Europe and the United States, called for an increase in arms supplies and security guarantees. Zelensky presented his “victory plan”, which provides for ending the war on terms favorable to Ukraine. But the Biden administration has given a lukewarm response to his demands, saying some of the requests echo previous proposals.

Mykhailo Podolyak, an adviser to President Zelensky, described the plan as a “detailed strategy” that includes the military, economic, political and diplomatic steps needed to end the war. Among the key requests are the supply of long-range ATACMS and Storm Shadow missiles, which could allow Ukrainian troops to attack deep military targets in Russia. Podolyak noted: “This could change Putin’s calculations, increasing internal pressure in Russia.”

The United States has so far refused such supplies, fearing an escalation of the conflict. But Podolyak warned that without additional help the war could drag on for years, weakening the West’s international position:

“Forcing Ukraine to negotiate from a position of weakness will not end the conflict, but will only encourage Putin to continue his goal of complete control over Ukraine. Why should he stop? He can only compete with the West through fear – that you will be scared, and he will get what he wants “.

Ukraine is exhausted by war

Ukraine is trying to show that it can effectively use the increased support. In August, Ukrainian troops launched a surprise offensive in the Kursk region of Russia, capturing about 100 towns and villages, and also carried out a series of long-range strikes against Russian targets and occupied territory. However, Ukrainian troops face equipment shortages, including armored vehicles and artillery, as well as personnel shortages.

On the domestic front, Ukrainians are increasingly exhausted by the war, and some polls show a rise in the number of those willing to negotiate. However, according to an August survey, less than one in ten Ukrainians is ready to agree to territorial concessions to Moscow.

“They are not ready to turn the page,” said political scientist Konstantin Batozhsky.

Russia is also suffering significant losses. According to US analysts, September was the deadliest month for the Russian army, with losses of up to 1,200 troops per day. Russia’s military successes are achieved mainly through numerous attacks by infantry units consisting of convicts who are dragged out of prison and promised pardons and salaries. As US Army Lieutenant Colonel John Nagl noted:

“Ukraine continues to inflict losses on Russia that would be unacceptable in any country that is not an absolute autocracy. Putin’s hope of a relatively easy victory depends on a Trump victory.”

The Ukrainian military agrees that any peace agreement without complete victory will not last. As UAV pilot Alexander Solonko said:

“They will attack again, and this will continue until our country disappears from the world map.”

Read also:

The situation at the front as of October 14 – latest news

The Russian occupiers are now making every effort to seize the territories of the Donenet region. Experts state a “creeping occupation”; the enemy is advancing, but very slowly, suffering huge losses.

As analysts of the DeepState project reported tonight, over the past 24 hours the enemy has advanced near Kalinovka, Chasovoy Yar, Grigoryevka, Ugledar in Tsukurino and Zolotaya Niva. Also, the Russians had some success in returning their territories within the Kursk region of the Russian Federation, where the operation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces continues. There is a promotion of Russians in the area of ​​Olgovka (Kursk region of the Russian Federation – UNIAN) and Kremnevoye (Kursk region of the Russian Federation – UNIAN).

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