Ukraine: Epic Games donates Fortnite proceeds

Epic Games would like to take part in supporting the population affected by the war in Ukraine and is donating part of the profits made with “Fortnite”.

Update 3: Now they are more than 70 million dollars, noting that this figure is from last Friday. In the meantime, the sum intended to benefit the victims of the war in Ukraine is likely to have risen considerably once more.

Update 2: The sum, among other things, the war-affected children in Ukraine should benefit from is growing continuously. As Epic Games announces, came as part of the campaign 50 million dollars together.

Update: That was fast. Shortly following the start of the campaign, the first 36 million dollars came together, as Epic Games announced on Twitter:

Original message: Around four weeks following the invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops, women, men and children are still dying every day in the affected regions, while around ten million Ukrainians have been forced to flee. It’s a humanitarian catastrophe that’s escalating as civilian targets continue to be shelled. Reports of war crimes are piling up.

In order to be able to help the people in Ukraine, a lot of money has been made available in recent weeks. Part of the funding comes from private donations. But companies are also investing large sums in order to be able to alleviate the suffering of the population at least to some extent. Epic Games is now one of these companies.

Fortnite proceeds will be donated

On the official site, Epic Games points out that all “proceeds from Fortnite between March 20, 2022 and April 3, 2022 will benefit humanitarian aid projects for people”. Included are V-Bucks packs, Fortnite crew subscription fees, giveaway Battle Passes, and cosmetic item packs available for real money, among others.

Xbox will also join this campaign and use the net income generated with “Fortnite” during this period to “bring even more support to the people of Ukraine”.

Proceeds donated will go to the following organizations:

Direct Relief alone has been able to send more than 48 tons of medical aid to Ukraine since Russian troops invaded.

UNICEF, in turn, refers to the country’s 7.5 million children. “Children continue to be killed, wounded and deeply traumatized by the devastating violence around them. The families are frightened, in shock and desperate for safety. Homes, schools, orphanages and hospitals have come under fire.”

As of March 15, 2022, more than 1.5 million children have fled Ukraine, according to UNICEF, “as war continues to ravage the country and families desperate for safety and protection.” And there is another risk for children fleeing the war in Ukraine. They might become victims of human trafficking and exploitation. There were several relevant reports and warnings.

On the official Epic Games website set up a FAQ, which contains all relevant details on the transfer of financial support. The financial means should benefit the aid organizations “within a few days”.

More news on the subject:

Game bundles make millions of dollars

Also, many players are eager to help the people of Ukraine. The „Bundle for Ukraine“, which we reported on several times, was purchased by almost 450,000 players, resulting in a total of almost $6.4 million. This money is also intended to benefit the affected children, among other things.

A Humble Bundle was also put together. With the „Stand with Ukraine“-Paket has raised around nine million dollars so far. This sum is intended to support various aid organizations, including the International Medical Corps. See the linked Humble page for details.

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