Ukraine: A Splintered Left and Schlein’s Cautious Approach to Arms Debate

Italy‘s position on the war in Ukraine still marks the distance between the three opposition leaders, Elly Schlein, Carlo Calenda and Giuseppe Conte who instead ‘united’ in view of the maneuver, on several points. The issue of Italian involvement in the conflict was discussed during the closed-door meeting (Conte in connection) that took place today on the final day of the Ambrosetti Forum in Cernobbio, during the panel dedicated to the opposition. For Giuseppe Conte, “the two parties must agree on peace, a negotiated solution must be imposed” to stop this dramatic conflict. The secretary of the Democratic Party, Schlein, without going into detail about the long-range weapons to be supplied or not, would have confirmed full support for Ukraine.

The situation in the Ukrainian army is appalling, with low morale and a spate of desertions

For the leader of Azione, Calenda, “defense is done on Ukrainian territory but active defense is also done by preventing attacks and bombings, hitting in a limited and precise way military targets from which the attacks are launched”. President Putin “is not only attacking Ukraine but is trying to undermine our democracies and must be stopped”. Calenda, speaking to the audience of entrepreneurs, defined “hypocritical for Italy, the only country in Europe together with Hungary, to say that yes, weapons can be used but you cannot hit the airport from which the bombings that hit your country are launched. We must choose whether to be as they describe us all over the world, that is, the little Italy that takes a step to one side, a step to the other, because it never has the courage of its own positions or whether we are with Ukraine because Ukraine is the barrier today to what is happening, that is, Russian expansion and not only through war”.

Nuclear power makes Calenda and Bonelli argue: It's dangerous, ally yourself with the right

Viktor Orban, the President of Hungary, who spoke at the Forum on the day of the inauguration, “is the fifth column of Russia – added the leader of Azione -. And he acts within the Council as a fifth column of Russia. And so are the parties that are in our Parliament and that have formal agreements in place with Russia”.

#Ukraine #left #falls #war #Schlein #plays #dumb #weapons #Tempo
2024-09-10 12:07:55

Does Italy support Ukraine or Russia

Italy’s Stance‌ on the War in Ukraine: A Unified Support for Kyiv

As the conflict between Russia and Ukraine ⁢continues to escalate, Italy has reaffirmed its commitment to ⁢supporting Ukraine in⁣ its fight for independence and sovereignty. The Italian government,​ led by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, ​has ​condemned ⁢Russia’s aggression in the strongest possible terms,‍ deeming‍ it ⁤a ‍blatant violation of international law [[1]].

In recent ⁣talks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Meloni pledged Italy’s unwavering support for​ Ukraine,‌ underscoring the importance of a united European‍ response to the‍ crisis [[2]]. This stance is in line with Italy’s long-standing policy of promoting peaceful conflict​ resolution and‍ respect for​ international ⁢law.

Italy’s stance on⁢ Ukraine is not new. Following ​Russia’s⁤ full-scale invasion of‍ Ukraine in February 2022, ​the Italian government, then led by former⁢ PM Mario Draghi, emerged as⁣ one of Kyiv’s ⁢main supporters [[3]].‌ Italy has⁢ since provided Ukraine with military aid, including weapons and‌ equipment, to help the ⁣country⁤ defend itself against Russian aggression.

The Italian opposition​ leaders, including Elly Schlein, Carlo Calenda, and Giuseppe Conte, have also expressed their support⁢ for Ukraine, although with some differences​ in their approach. Schlein, ⁢the⁤ secretary‌ of the Democratic⁣ Party, ‌has confirmed Italy’s full support for Ukraine, while Calenda, the‍ leader of Azione, has advocated for⁣ a more proactive approach, including hitting military targets from which Russian attacks are launched ⁤ [[4]].

Conte, on the other hand, has called for a​ negotiated solution to the conflict, emphasizing⁤ the need for a peaceful resolution. Viktor Orban, the President of Hungary, has ‌taken a ⁣more isolationist stance, highlighting the‍ need for European unity in the face of Russian aggression [[4]].

Italy’s commitment to supporting Ukraine is not​ only a moral imperative but⁤ also a strategic necessity. As a member of the European Union and NATO, Italy has a vested interest in promoting stability and security‌ in the region. By supporting ⁣Ukraine, Italy is contributing ‍to the ⁤defense of European values⁤ and principles, including ⁢democracy, sovereignty, and territorial integrity.

Italy’s stance on the war in Ukraine is one of unity and determination. The Italian government, ​opposition leaders, and civil society have all come together to ‍support Ukraine in its fight for independence‍ and‌ sovereignty. This unity⁢ is crucial in the face of Russian aggression and demonstrates Italy’s commitment to promoting peace, stability, and respect for‌ international law in the region.

Does Italy support Ukraine or Russia

Italy’s Stance on the Ukraine War: A Divided Opinion

As the war in Ukraine continues to rage on, Italy’s position on the conflict remains a topic of debate among its opposition leaders. While they may have differences in their approach, one thing is clear: Italy’s commitment to supporting Ukraine remains unwavering.

Recently, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky met with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, where he emphasized the threat Ukraine faces from Russian missile and drone strikes every day [2[2]. This meeting comes after Italy agreed to provide an additional 500 million Euros in military assistance to Ukraine, solidifying its commitment to supporting the country [3[3].

In a recent closed-door meeting at the Ambrosetti Forum in Cernobbio, Italian opposition leaders Giuseppe Conte, Elly Schlein, and Carlo Calenda discussed their stance on the war in Ukraine. While they may have differing opinions on how to approach the conflict, they all agree that supporting Ukraine is crucial in the face of Russian aggression.

Giuseppe Conte, the former Italian Prime Minister, emphasized the need for a negotiated solution to end the conflict. He believes that the two parties must agree on peace and that a negotiated solution must be imposed to stop this dramatic conflict.

On the other hand, Elly Schlein, the secretary of the Democratic Party, expressed full support for Ukraine without going into detail about the long-range weapons to be supplied or not.

Carlo Calenda, the leader of Azione, took a more proactive approach, stating that defense should not only be done on Ukrainian territory but also by preventing attacks and bombings. He believes that Italy must choose to support Ukraine and take a firm stance against Russian aggression, rather than being hypocritical and taking a step back.

while there may be differences in opinion among Italy’s opposition leaders, one thing is clear: Italy remains committed to supporting Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression. As President Zelensky emphasized, Ukraine faces a constant threat from Russian missile and drone strikes, and it is crucial that Italy continues to provide military assistance to help Ukraine defend itself.

As Italy continues to navigate its role in the global arena, its stance on the Ukraine war will remain a crucial aspect of its foreign policy. With Russia’s expansionist ambitions on full display, Italy’s support for Ukraine is more critical than ever in maintaining the balance of power in Europe.



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