UJPLA statement on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day on May 03, 2022

The Union of Journalists of the Free African Press (UJPLA) would first like to welcome the proclamation of this World Press Freedom Day (in December 1993) and reaffirm its clear, resolute and determined commitment to continue its action in favor of the promotion, defense and protection of this fundamental freedom as well as for the safety of journalists and media actors.

In our world plagued by all dangers, pandemics, crises, security, digital and technological threats and attacks, climatic and environmental degradation, etc.

The UJPLA would like to pay tribute to the memory of journalists who have fallen in the field of honor or who have been harassed in the exercise or defense of their profession.

The UJPLA invites, on this World Press Freedom Day 2022, all countries to work tirelessly, with information and press professionals in all forms, to create the appropriate conditions for the advent of a free, professional, credible, viable and responsible press.

The UJPLA reaffirms its unshakeable will to contribute with and alongside other national and international organizations of journalists, to the growth, to the saving and salutary action of international repositioning of Africa on the world stage, to its rebirth and to its influence in the concert of nations, of course on the basis of democracy, security (of journalists), the rule of law, justice and peace.

For the UJPLA, these constitute, in fact, the prerequisites for any real sustainable human development.

The UJPLA wishes a happy World Press Freedom Day to all its members as well as to all journalists, actors, professionals, etc., world press and information.

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