Ugandan Vanessa Nakate in front of French deputies to denounce a TotalÉnergies project

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The young environmental activist accompanied by three other environmental activists was received at the French National Assembly this Wednesday, March 16. Coming to plead against the TotalÉnergies oil megaproject in Uganda, they warned parliamentarians of the risk to the environment and local communities that the project entails.

In the small meeting room of the National Assembly, only a handful of deputies were present to listen to the testimony of Ugandan activists. Diana Nabiruma explains how the pipeline will affect local people.

« Almost a third of the pipeline will be built in the Lake Victoria basin. However, between 30 and 40 million people are dependent on this lake in East Africa for their water supply. We know that pipelines always leak. So in the event of a leak, the water needs of nearly 40 million people could be affected. “, pleads Diana Nabiruma.

More than 400 boreholes and a 1,450 km pipeline for an investment of several billion euros, the megaproject should, according to Total, represent contracts worth 1.7 billion euros from local construction companies and create, in the long term, more than 3,000 direct and indirect jobs.

► To read also: Climate and environment: in Paris, an NGO denounces the TotalÉnergies megaproject in Uganda

But activists point above all to the many risks of the project: entire villages displaced, risks to the survival of protected species, significant greenhouse gas emissions… the list of dangers is long. Those who speak out against the project are the target of pressure from the Ugandan authorities. Several activists have been imprisoned.

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The French ecologist deputy, Mathieu Orphelin, denounces France’s position in this project. ” It is a position that is quite inexcusable. This is the gap between fine words, saying that we are going to try to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees… And in reality, the government is acting diplomatically to support Total’s efforts in Uganda. »

Mathieu Orphelin promises to challenge the French government again. But for Ugandan activists, “ it is not promises that will save us, but actions ».

► To read also: Vanessa Nakate: “We are the least responsible, but the most vulnerable to climate change”

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