UFR rebel leader wants to bring in Wagner, recording says

Rebel leader Timan Erdimi (archives).

© Laurent Correau/ RFI
Rebel leader Timan Erdimi (archives).

In an audio authenticated by several sources, the leader of the UFR Timan Erdimi talks with a minister special adviser to the Central African president, Aboulkhassim Algoni Tidjani. We hear the Chadian rebel leader express his desire to convince the Russian paramilitary group Wagner, very active in the Central African Republic where it operates alongside the government of this country, to help him “ to chase out of Chad the president of the Military Transition Committee at the head of power », Mahamat Idriss Déby.

Who has leaked this sound document on social networks for a few days? Why ? Many questions remain unanswered so far.

In the recording, the rebel also alludes to his contacts with the Central African Minister of Agriculture, and even announces to him that he had sought unsuccessfully to join President Michel-Archange Touadéra who was then at the top of the AU, who took place regarding ten days ago in Addis Ababa.

For the Chadian government one thing is clear, there is no question of sitting at the same table as Timan Erdimi, who wants to make a pact with the Wagner group, ” the devil ” to his eyes. He now believes that the UFR leader has excluded himself from the Doha pre-dialogue. “ Under the pretext that he wants to drive out France, he wants to drive out the Transitional Military Council. But if Timan Erdimi is able to go and make a pact with the devil to come and sow trouble, come and sow destabilization in the country, it is an extremely serious thing. We will not accept that this man who plans to go to war when people want to make peace can attend a pre-dialogue “, protested the spokesman Abderaman Koulamallah.

For this, he relies on the special technical committee and Qatar, responsible for organizing the pre-dialogue with the Chadian armed groups scheduled for a dozen days in Doha.

The Chadian government also points to the link between Timan Erdimi and a special adviser to the Central African president who is also Minister of Agriculture. He is surprised to see him in possession of Faustin-Archange Touadéra’s telephone number.

« This case cannot be interpreted as a simple calculation by a politician, but there is much collusion between close advisers and close members of the Touadéra government and Timan Erdimi. We give the Central African government the benefit of the doubt [mais] it is indisputable that the Central African authorities owe the Chadian government an explanation. »

Contacted by RFI, neither Timan Erdimi, nor the offending special adviser or the spokesperson for the Central African president wanted to react for the moment.

The Chadian government now believes that the leader of the UFR has excluded himself from the pre-Doha dialogue and is asking Bangui for an explanation.



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