SEE / Carlos Batatin
The national training program of the “Hugo Chávez Frías” University of Health Sciences (UCS-HChF) offers future graduates a career in Comprehensive Community Medicine, Comprehensive Community Nursing, Dentistry, Physiotherapy, Radioimaging, Speech Therapy , Occupational Therapy, Histocytotechnology, Optometry and Optics.
The details regarding the aforementioned house of studies were offered by its rector and former Minister of Popular Power for Health, Dr. Carlos Alvarado, who invited all those who have a vocation to serve and work for the people to be part of the student enrollment of that university. .
According to a message posted on his social network on Twitter @@AlvaradoC_Salud, »if you like health and medicine, don’t think twice. Register here in the National Income System and join the UCS «Hugo Chávez Frías».
The central axis of the “Hugo Chávez Frías” University of Health Sciences is to train students in professionals, with a comprehensive general preparation, whose actions are directed towards the function and well-being of the individual, families, the community and the environment; which implies performing multiple tasks in health care services and for the benefit of the Venezuelan community.
The University consists of several nuclei located in the Capital District and in the states: Barinas, Bolívar, Falcón, Apure, Yaracuy and Lara, whose quotas are granted only by the National University Income System.
According to a review posted at the email address«this house of studies was created according to presidential decree signed by Nicolás Maduro Moros, No. 1,317 of 10/08/2014 published in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 40,514 of the same date, within the framework of the Alma Mater Mission, as a specialized National Experimental University».