Uber steals tips from Domino’s Pizza delivery guys

  • An Internet user shared an image of the message he received from the delivery man who brought him his order.

  • The consumer took advantage of denouncing that complaint from the delivery person of the application before the Twitter account of Profeco.

  • What is established in the Federal Consumer Protection Law, in Mexico the tip is not mandatory and if a restaurant forces customers to leave it, it could be fined.

Social networks have become the best communication tool where people denounce, complain and even exhibit brands that give them a bad experience as a customer. This is the case of a consumer who denounced in his account on the social network Twitter Uber after receiving an order you placed through the app at Domino’s Pizza and arriving with a message from the app’s delivery guys where it alerts that the platform steals the tip if the user makes it by that means.

According to data from Statista, as of 2019 and 2020, the average daily use of social networks by Internet users worldwide amounted to 145 minutes per day, compared to 142 minutes in 2018. Given these data, it is normal to find various complaints from users on these digital platforms, where, according to data from The Global State of Digital in 2019, a study prepared by Hootsuite and We Are Social, details that it is estimated that 3 thousand 484 billion of people use social networks, this represents 45 percent of the world’s population.

Uber delivery man exposes the application for stealing tips

Through the social network Twitter, an Uber user identified as @jorge_jabbour exposed the application for stealing tips from his delivery men.

The Internet user shared an image of the message he received from the delivery man who took his order where you can read: “Do not leave your tip for the app, the company steals it, take advantage”.

The consumer was surprised by the message and took advantage of denouncing that complaint from the delivery person of the application before the Twitter account of the Federal Consumer Attorney’s Office (Profeco).

According to the application policies if a user added an additional amount for the “Delivery Partner in the Uber Eats app, your order total will include the amount.”

“It is not mandatory to add an additional amount, but you can add one as a way of thanking the delivery partner for their efforts. 100% of any additional amount goes to the Delivery Partner”reads on its digital portal.

It is not the first complaint of this kind on social networks against Uber or other home delivery applications. This is the case of a delivery man Rappi has uploaded a video to TikTok where he writes that “the client forgot the tipI forgot the potatoes”, while showing how he is eating an order.

Let’s remember that one of the reasons why these applications have achieved their growing popularity is because they allow you to make the respective payment for products and services digitally, where even before requesting your order you can tip or not.

According to what is established in the Federal Law of Consumer Protection, in Mexico the tip is not obligatory and if a restaurant forces customers to leave it, the restaurant could be fined.

This only reflects the opinion of the consumer and the conversation that it generates in the digital pulse, Therefore, Merca 2.0 requested the position of the brand in order to tell both versions of the story.; however, so far it has not been received. The note will be updated in case of a response.

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