UAE Visa! Seven changes to know UAE residency visas seven changes you need to know – News18 Malayalam

Dubai: The UAE’s biggest entry and residency visa reforms came into effect last October. After this there have been many changes.

Golden Visa Scheme Expanded New five-year residency visas called green visas were also introduced. Several other changes have recently been implemented, including an increase in fees for visa services and a grace period for exiting the country following the visa expires. Here are seven changes to be aware of in this context.

1. Child sponsorship rules eased

This decision is a big relief to the families. This applies to all residency visas. Sons up to 25 years of age can be accommodated with non-residents under their own sponsorship. Earlier this age limit was 18 years. There is no age limit for sponsoring unmarried daughters.

2. Golden visa holders can sponsor parents on a 10-year visa

If you are a golden visa holder you can also sponsor your parents on a 10 year visa. Earlier, long-term residency scheme beneficiaries might sponsor their parents for one year.

3. Increase in visa fee

The fee for availing all services provided by the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Ports Security (ICP) has been increased by Dh100. Additional fees apply to Emirates ID and residency visas.

4. Reduced validity of freezone visas

The duration of freezone visas issued in the UAE has been reduced from three years to two.

5. Added Grace period

The condition was to leave the country within one month of the expiry of the visa. A grace period of 60 to 180 days will be allowed to leave the country following the new reforms come into effect.

6. Emirates ID instead of visa stamps in passport

UAE has eliminated the practice of affixing visa stickers on passports. Instead, residents’ Emirates IDs officially become their residency documents.

7. Re-entry permit for those staying abroad for more than six months

UAE residency visa holders who have stayed outside the country for more than six months can apply for a re-entry permit. Re-entry permits will be granted to such persons subject to certain criteria once the reasons for displacement have been clarified.

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