UAE Provides Medical Treatment and Aid to 1000 Cancer Patients and Children from Gaza: Latest Updates

2023-11-28 03:19:12

ABU DHABI: Moo carrying injured and sick people from Gaza The second flight reached Abu Dhabi. Etihad flight carrying 170 people including patients and family members He arrived on Monday. There are 80 people in the group who need treatment. Most of them are suffering from cancer. They were brought through Al Arish Airport in Egypt.

Temporary cease-fire declared in Gaza useful They were brought across the border at Gapetuthi. Those who require follow-up treatment after initial tests It was brought to the U.A.E. Abuda, a group of children who were injured in the previous two planes. He had reached B. His treatment is progressing in the hospital.

This time most of those who have arrived are old people. Most of them are suffering from cancer. 1000 cancer patients from Gaza brought to UAE for treatment President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan It was announced. As part of this plan, the new team has more cancer patients. Gigs have space. The group from Gaza received a warm welcome at the airport. Received Emirati businessmen with special consideration to each and every one of the state. Welcome to The UAE President said that 1000 children will be treated in the state It was announced at the stage. The children who were brought as part of this were also on Monday’s flight. . Guruta is part of the ‘Gallant Night-3’ operation announced by the UAE. Bringing traumatized children to the state.

247 tons of food items collected from UAE last day He had reached Sa. Relief items containing 16,520 food items in 10 big trucks Rafa It was brought to Gaza through the border. These food items were distributed under the leadership of Emirates Red Crescent. The fight has begun.Feel engaged by UAE. Rafa also made the necessary arrangements to Dr. Hospital. There is

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