U.S. Sends Second Aircraft Carrier Group to Mediterranean to Deter Attacks on Israel and Hamas

2023-10-15 17:13:06

U.S. Defense Secretary Austin said on the 14th that the United States is sending a second aircraft carrier strike group to the eastern Mediterranean to “deter attacks onIsraelhostilities, or inHamasAny attempt to expand this war following the attack”.

The USS Eisenhower and its attached fleet will join another aircraft carrier strike group already deployed in the area. After Hamas raided Israel a week ago, the USS Ford strike group was deployed there.

Austin said the deployment symbolizes Washington’s “unwavering commitment to Israel’s security and our determination to deter any state or non-state actors who seek to escalate this war.”

The United States has sent arms to Israel and warned other countries not to escalate the conflict.

On the same day that the United States announced the dispatch of a second aircraft carrier strike group, President Biden had a phone call with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and emphasized that the United States would support all efforts to protect civilians during Israel’s siege and bombardment of the Gaza Strip.

“President Biden affirmed his support for all efforts to protect civilians,” the White House statement said, without specifically mentioning Gaza.

Biden also made peace for the first time on the 14th following the conflict broke out.PalestineAutonomous government leader Mahmoud Abbas made a phone call and condemned “Hamas’ brutal attack on Israel.”

“Hamas does not represent the dignity and right of the Palestinian people to self-determination,” Biden told Abbas, according to a White House statement on the two leaders’ conversation.

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