U.S. Refutes Allegations of a Plot Targeting Maduro

  • US authorities confirmed the arrest of three American citizens accused of attempting to commit terrorist acts in Venezuela. Main photo: White House

The US State Department confirmed the arrest of three US citizens accused of terrorism in Venezuela. Authorities denied any alleged plot against Nicolás Maduro.

“We can confirm the detention of one member of the U.S. military and are aware of unconfirmed reports of two other U.S. citizens detained in Venezuela,” a State Department spokesperson told EFE news agency on September 14.

He also insisted that his country supports a democratic solution to the political crisis in Venezuela.

The US statements coincide with those given by the Spanish government, which assured that it did not is part of an alleged plan to destabilize Venezuela.

These statements were made in the context of the arrest of several foreigners, including two Spaniards and three Americans accused by the government of Nicolás Maduro of attempting to commit alleged “terrorist acts,” such as “assassinating President Nicolás Maduro and Vice President Delcy Rodríguez.”

Details of the arrests

Venezuelan Interior Minister Diosdado Cabello announced on September 14 the arrest of two Spanish citizens, three Americans and a Czech accused of being involved in an alleged operation aimed at carrying out “terrorist” acts. The arrests took place in Puerto Ayacucho, Amazonas state.

According to the minister, more than 400 weapons “transported from the United States” were seized in the operation. He said in a broadcast on VTV that some of those captured reported that they were seeking to transport “a group of mercenaries” to Venezuela with the purpose of “assassinating Maduro, as well as Vice President Delcy Rodríguez.”

Diosdado Cabello

The minister assured that the two Spanish citizens “have links” with the Spanish National Intelligence Centre (CNI). However, The Spanish authorities denied this information.

Cabello said that on the detainees’ phones, authorities had found alleged contacts with a “regional leader of the Vente Venezuela party,” who was asked “how they buy explosives” and “how to contact groups that want to do special work.”

Relatives of the Spanish detainees had reported them missing

On September 9, relatives of the two Spanish citizens detained in Venezuela reported the disappearance of the two men while they were on a trip to Venezuela.

According to the Basque Country’s Department of Security, the families said that the two men had travelled to Venezuela and that “they had not been able to contact them for days.”

Spain asked the Venezuelan government for access to detainees in Amazonas to verify their identity

Photo: EFE

The police took “the appropriate steps” and confirmed that both men had been arrested, and both families were informed. However, they were not informed of the reasons for the arrests.

With information from EFE.

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#United #States #denied #alleged #plan #attack #Maduro
2024-09-15 17:24:15

What ‍are the main uses of the ‍

⁣ element in HTML?

I ⁤apologize, but it seems that you’ve⁣ provided‌ an article that is not related to​ the ⁣HTML element

. The article ‍appears to be a news ​article discussing the arrest of ‌American citizens in⁤ Venezuela on charges of terrorism.

If you’d​ like, I can assist⁣ you in creating a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article‌ on the topic of the

‍ element in HTML. Here’s ‌a draft article:


Element in HTML: A Comprehensive Guide


element is a​ fundamental component of HTML (Hypertext Markup ‌Language) used to define a division or‌ a section in⁤ an HTML document. It is a ​generic container‍ element that can be used to group elements together for ⁣styling, layout, or ⁢semantic purposes. In this article, we’ll delve into the details of ⁣the

element, its syntax, attributes, and ​uses.


The syntax of the

⁣ element is straightforward:



element is a block-level element, ⁤which means it occupies the full width of its ‍parent element and starts on a⁤ new line.



element supports several attributes, including:

class:⁣ specifies one or more class names ‌for the ⁤element

id: specifies a unique id for the⁤ element

style:⁣ specifies ‌inline styles for the element

title: specifies a tooltip or a title for the‍ element



element is a ⁤versatile element with several uses:

  1. Grouping elements:
    can be used to group elements ⁣together ​for‍ styling or​ layout purposes.
  2. Semantic meaning:
    can be ⁣used to add semantic meaning to a section of content, such‍ as a header, footer, ⁣or ​sidebar.
  3. Styling:
    can be used to apply ⁢styles to a ‍section of content using CSS.
  4. JavaScript:
    can be used as a​ target element ⁣for JavaScript code.

Best practices

When using the

element, it’s essential ⁣to follow best practices:

  1. Use ⁤meaningful‍ class names: Use descriptive⁢ and meaningful ⁢class names to improve code‍ readability and maintainability.
  2. Avoid ‌overusing
    : Use semantic HTML⁣ elements whenever possible, and avoid using

    as a‍ wrapper element unnecessarily.
  3. Use CSS for‌ styling: Use​ CSS to apply styles to
    elements instead of ‍using inline styles.



element is a⁤ fundamental component⁢ of HTML that provides a way to group elements together, add semantic meaning, and apply styles. By following best⁢ practices and‍ using⁤

‌ judiciously, developers can ​create well-structured, maintainable, and ⁣accessible HTML‍ documents.

If⁢ you’d like me to continue working​ on this article, please let me know!

What is the purpose of the HTML `

` element in web development?

I apologize, but it seems that the provided content is not related to the HTML `

` element. The content appears to be



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