Tyrese Maxey remains with maximum salary──Looking back suddenly, the deputy is already in the dim light – NBA – Basketball

In the bubble park in August 2020, the Sixers were facing elimination from the playoffs because Ben Simmons suffered half-displacement surgery on his left knee. However, a crucial game for Philadelphia was the match between the Heat and the Thunder that month. Fight. After Mike Muscala hit the decisive three-pointer, the Heat’s first-round pick officially dropped to the 21st pick, failing to trigger the protection mechanism and the Sixers obtained the pick. And in this obviously not a high pick, Philadelphia got a young man who was abnormally cultivated by Doc Rivers, who didn’t like to use rookies. He also learned a lot of experience from Simmons and Harden, and became the young man Embiid had been looking for for a long time. The deputy’s correct answer.

This man is the passionate young man who won the Most Improved Award and the All-Star award this year, and signed a five-year, 204 million affordable extension with 25% of the maximum salary space─Tyrese Maxey。

What improvements has Maxey made this year? Unimaginable progress every year is the source of surprises Maxey brings: NBC Sports

The similarity between Maxey’s and Harris’ careers in Philadelphia is that both of them lost their careers due to changes in the team’s lineup and core.There is constant swing in role positioning. But compared to the latter’s hard work and lack of confidence, the former ignited a spark following being appointed as the primary ball-handling point in a critical situation. He learned the importance of creating space for his own shots next to Harden, and further blossomed this season.Usage comes toA career-high 28%At the same time, the percentage of assisted three-pointers has also reached a career low of 60%, which shows how much responsibility Maxey has shouldered this season when Embiid was injured and missed the game. The arrival of Nick Nurse has also designed more hand-off and double-block tactics for this young guard who knows how to use time differences to amplify explosive power, giving Maxey more diverse opportunities to play.

From a rough observation of the data, it may be concluded from the dropped three-point shooting percentage (43.4% → 37.3%) that Maxey failed to replace the organization and firepower that Harden left due to increased responsibilities. But if you look closely at the changes in Maxey’s shots and the increase in production, you can see how the guard in his contract year has embraced the oncoming responsibilities. Among players who average more than eight pick-and-rolls per game, Maxey ranks behind the four all-around ball handlers Doncic, Brunson, Haliburton, and DeRozan with 1.05 points per possession. Compared with last year, Maxey is even more productive and quality. With improvement, you can find that Maxey is more and more adaptable to the positioning of the first ball-holding point.The collapse of three-point efficiency is mostly due to the substantial increase in the number of long-term dribbling shots, butInnate sense of space and past connection point experienceall making him the best backcourt assistant next to Embiid, who is good at mid-range.

Maxey data changes Source: NBA.com

Organizationally, Maxey has also become more and more aware of taking advantage of the advantages created by his teammates and attacking the weakest points of the opponent’s defense.Able to use Embiid multiple times to cover and mobilize the defense.Decrease speed following passing double gearUse it to confuse the timing of assist defense rotations and find the correct gaps based on defensive trends.Although it can’t be called many creative passes, whether it is cooperating with the emperor’s midline floor pass, or continuing the tactical advantage following hand-off defense, and then returning to the defensive loopholes to create an advantage, allowing Oubre’s You can observe him when cutting or Batum’s passes can be converted into points.Organizational consciousness gradually moving to the middle and upper levels

What does this signing mean to the Sixers? Most Improved Player recognition does not translate into a salary increase. Source: NBA.com

Because Maxey only received the Most Improved Award this season.Rose clause not triggeredso it can only be based on the salary ceiling25% completed contract renewal, for a player who averages 25.9 points and 6.2 assists per game, it is definitely a choice with a very high return on investment. In addition, Morey insisted on reaching a consensus on a contract extension with Maxey in the off-season, which allowed the Sixers to clear the most salary space and successfully welcomed the blockbuster addition of Paul George. In the next three years, Joel Embiid, who is just over 30 years old, will have a mature forward player with both offense and defense, and a top defender who still has room for improvement and has ultra-long shooting range and destructive hand-off power. Maxey, who has just been selected to the All-Star Game, is certainly worthy of this contract, and Philadelphia can still face relatively low salary pressure during the first five years of his career.After all, whether the renewal of the Rose clause is triggered is a matter of coming and going.A difference of 7 million a year

What is the future direction of development? Whether Maxey can make further progress in the organization is the next test for Maxey. Source: USA_Today

Of course, the reason why Tyrese Maxey failed to be selected into the top three teams of the year must have his personal flaws.Observed from the game screen, Maxey’s organizational data expansion still relies on the attraction brought by Embiid in more than half of the rounds. The source of assists is not through his own deep penetration and driving the defense, but inThe emperor attracted the defensive focus to shiftThen, direct the ball into the gap that already exists. If you want to rely on one person to gain an absolute offensive advantage, you still don’t have enough capabilities. From a statistical point of view, Maxey’s assist rate on the court is still slightly lower than when he left the court, which can be used as proof that he does not have a sufficient impact on the smoothness of the offense. In addition, Maxey’s size disadvantage also means that his contribution to team defense is not enough, and he is still a futile character.

But with the absolutely powerful King and George who can cover up his defensive flaws, Maxey is expected to put more effort into developing his own shots and improving his organizational skills. Judging from the fact that he can accurately find misplaced singles opportunities when facing defense changes in the playoffs, he is looking forward to it. Maxey can more effectively free up other teammates’ shooting opportunities.The author is optimistic

From Simmons to Harden, and even countless giant names that have been rumored, Joel Embiid is always waiting for Philadelphia to find a strong defender who can maximize its threat with the ball and switch with and without the ball. While Doc Rivers was reshaping his style of play, a light belonging to the second team leader also appeared briefly, and this year it completely shined with a performance of 30 seconds and 7 minutes.

His second-in-command has been waiting for him in Philadelphia with a smile.

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In August 2020, the Philadelphia 76ers faced elimination from the playoffs due to Ben Simmons’ left knee injury that required surgery. However, a crucial game for Philadelphia was the matchup between the Miami Heat and the Oklahoma City Thunder that month. The outcome of this game would determine the Heat’s first-round draft pick. After Mike Muscala hit a game-winning three-pointer, the Heat’s first-round pick dropped to the 21st pick, falling below the protection threshold and allowing the 76ers to acquire the pick. While this pick wasn’t considered a high selection, Philadelphia landed a young player who flourished under the guidance of Doc Rivers, a coach known for not often using rookies. He also learned from veterans like Simmons and James Harden, evolving into the type of player Joel Embiid had been looking for, finally becoming the perfect complement.

This young player is the passionate Tyrese Maxey, who won the Most Improved Player and earned an All-Star selection this year. Maxey recently signed a five-year, $204 million extension, a substantial deal, but representing only 25% of the maximum salary space.

What improvements has Maxey made this year? Unimaginable progress every year is the source of surprises Maxey brings: NBC Sports

The parallels between Maxey’s and Tobias Harris’ careers in Philadelphia are evident as both players faced challenges due to changes in the team’s roster and core. They consistently experienced shifts in their roles. However, compared to Harris’ struggles with confidence, Maxey ignited a spark when he was tasked with being the primary ball-handler in a critical situation. Playing alongside Harden, he learned the value of creating space for his own shots and further blossomed this season. His usage reached a career-high 28%, while his assisted three-point percentage dipped to a career-low 60%, highlighting the increased responsibility Maxey took on during Embiid’s absence. Nick Nurse’s arrival has introduced hand-off and double-block tactics, leveraging Maxey’s timing and explosiveness, allowing him to excel in diverse situations.

Initially, the decline in Maxey’s three-point shooting percentage (from 43.4% to 37.3%) suggested a struggle to replace Harden’s scoring and organization. However, examining Maxey’s shot selection and production reveals how he embraced his responsibilities in his contract year. Among players averaging more than eight pick-and-rolls per game, Maxey ranks behind Doncic, Brunson, Haliburton, and DeRozan with 1.05 points per possession, showcasing enhanced production and quality compared to the previous season. The decline in Maxey’s three-point efficiency primarily stems from an increase in long-range dribble shots; however, his innate spatial awareness and prior point guard experience make him a valuable backcourt partner for Embiid, who excels in the mid-range.

Maxey data changes Source: NBA.com

Organizationally, Maxey demonstrates greater awareness of leveraging his teammates’ advantages and attacking opponents’ weaknesses. He uses Embiid effectively to draw defenders and create opportunities. His ability to slow down following a double-team allows him to disrupt the timing of defensive rotations, enabling him to find open spaces based on defensive trends. While his passing may not be considered particularly creative, his collaboration with Embiid on mid-range floor passes, the continuation of tactical advantages following hand-offs, and his ability to find defensive loopholes for open shots for players like Oubre and Batum have showcased a significant improvement in his organizational awareness.

What does this signing mean to the Sixers? Most Improved Player recognition does not translate into a salary increase. Source: NBA.com

Maxey’s Most Improved Player award did not trigger the Rose Clause, so his contract renewal is based on the salary cap, allowing him to earn 25% of the maximum salary. This represents a significant value for a player averaging 25.9 points and 6.2 assists per game. Daryl Morey’s decision to secure a contract extension with Maxey in the offseason freed up salary space for the 76ers, allowing them to sign Paul George. Over the next three years, Joel Embiid (who will be just over 30 years old) will have a mature and well-rounded player with offensive and defensive abilities, a talented defender with room for improvement, and explosive long-range shooting and hand-off expertise in Maxey. Maxey’s All-Star selection justifies this contract, and Philadelphia faces minimal salary pressure during the first five years of his career. The impact of the Rose Clause is significant, representing a difference of $7 million per year.

What is the future direction of development? Whether Maxey can make further progress in the organization is the next test for Maxey. Source: USA_Today

Maxey’s exclusion from the top three teams of the year indicates his personal areas for improvement. His organizational contributions heavily rely on the attention drawn by Embiid, and his assists often result from Embiid attracting defensive attention, creating opportunities for Maxey. He still lacks the ability to consistently generate scoring opportunities through his own penetration and driving. Statistically, Maxey’s assist rate is slightly lower when on the court compared to when he is off the court, indicating his limited impact on the offense’s flow. Furthermore, Maxey’s size disadvantage hampers his defensive contributions, highlighting a weakness in his game.

Despite these shortcomings, with Embiid and George supporting his defensive limitations, Maxey can focus on developing his own scoring and improving his organizational skills. His ability to identify open scoring opportunities during playoff games when facing defensive changes is encouraging, suggesting a potential for him to facilitate scoring opportunities for his teammates. The author holds a positive outlook for Maxey’s continued growth.

From Simmons to Harden and countless other star players mentioned in trade rumors, Joel Embiid has continually waited for Philadelphia to find a strong defender who can enhance his offensive threat while seamlessly transitioning between with and without the ball. During Doc Rivers’ adjustments to the team’s style of play, a young player, a potential second-in-command, appeared briefly, and this year he shined brightly with a noteworthy performance over 30 seconds and seven minutes.

His ideal running mate has been waiting for him in Philadelphia, with a smile.

Tyrese Maxey: The Rise of the Sixer’s All-Star

In the summer of 2020, the Philadelphia Sixers were facing elimination from the playoffs. Ben Simmons, the team’s star point guard, had just undergone surgery on his left knee. But amidst the uncertainty, a crucial game between the Miami Heat and Oklahoma City Thunder provided a glimmer of hope. The Sixers, in desperate need of a young, skilled guard, watched eagerly as the Heat’s first-round pick fell to the 21st spot, giving Philadelphia a chance to draft their future. That’s how they landed a young man named Tyrese Maxey, a player who would blossom into an All-Star just a few seasons later.

From Undrafted Rookie to All-Star

Maxey’s journey to becoming a household name is a testament to his hard work and dedication. While the Sixers had a stacked roster with veterans like Ben Simmons and James Harden, Maxey used his time to learn from the best, gradually improving his game. He embraced the challenge of competing once morest veterans in practice, honing his skills under the tutelage of Doc Rivers, a coach known for his rigorous standards.

This year, Maxey’s dedication paid off. He took on a larger role with the Sixers, proving himself to be a dynamic scorer and playmaker. His improvement was so significant that he earned the Most Improved Player Award and a well-deserved spot in the All-Star Game. Maxey’s dedication is a lesson to young players everywhere: hard work and a good attitude can lead to amazing achievements.

Maxey’s Game-Changing Impact

Maxey’s development has been nothing short of astounding. He has made significant strides in his scoring, playmaking, and leadership skills. Here’s a breakdown of what makes Maxey such a valuable player:

Increased Usage and Responsibility

This season, Maxey’s usage has reached a career-high of 28%. This demonstrates the trust that the Sixers have placed in him, and Maxey has responded by playing with greater confidence and authority. He’s no longer just a role player, he’s a key piece of the Sixers’ offensive puzzle.

Mastering the Pick-and-Roll

Maxey’s growth as a pick-and-roll player is another key aspect of his development. He’s become incredibly adept at utilizing the pick-and-roll to create opportunities for himself and his teammates. He ranks among the league’s best in points per possession in pick-and-roll situations, demonstrating his efficiency and effectiveness. This skill is crucial in today’s NBA, as it allows him to create space for himself and find open teammates while drawing defenders away from the basket.

Unleashing his Offensive Arsenal

Maxey’s offensive repertoire has expanded significantly. He’s become more comfortable taking shots from beyond the arc, and he’s also shown a knack for driving to the basket and finishing at the rim. This diverse offensive skillset makes him a difficult player to guard, as opponents cannot simply focus on one aspect of his game.

Growing Organizational Awareness

Maxey’s understanding of the game has continued to mature. He’s starting to anticipate the movements of his teammates and opponents, allowing him to make smart decisions with the ball and become a more efficient playmaker. He’s learned to use his speed and agility to exploit weaknesses in the defense. He’s consistently making the right play, demonstrating a higher level of basketball IQ.

Maxey’s Impact on the Sixers’ Future

Maxey’s new contract extension, which gives him a 5-year, $204 million deal, signifies the Sixers’ belief in his future potential. It’s a commitment to him being a cornerstone of the franchise, alongside Joel Embiid. By securing Maxey’s long-term future, the Sixers have created a formidable duo that can compete for a championship for years to come.

A Young Core Ready to Shine

The Sixers now have a young core with Maxey, Embiid, and Paul George, all players who are in their prime or have the potential to reach superstardom. This combination creates a mix of experience, talent, and athleticism that makes the team a serious threat in the Eastern Conference. The possibilities for the future are exciting for Sixers fans.

Areas for Continued Growth

Despite his significant improvements, Maxey still has areas he can work on to reach his full potential. He needs to further develop his assist rate and become a more consistent playmaker. His size can also be a disadvantage defensively, and he needs to improve in this area to become a truly elite two-way player.

Embracing the Challenge

Maxey is a young player with a bright future, and the Sixers are confident he’ll continue to grow. He has a tireless work ethic and a desire to learn, which is a key ingredient to continued success. With the guidance of the team’s coaches and the support of his teammates, Maxey is poised to become one of the league’s best guards in the coming years.

The Future of Philly Basketball

With Tyrese Maxey, the Sixers have found a key building block for their future. He’s more than just a talented scorer, he’s emerged as a leader, a playmaker, and a dynamic force on the court. The Sixers are ready to compete for a championship, and Maxey is at the heart of it all.

His journey in Philadelphia is just beginning, and as he continues to evolve as a player, it’s exciting to imagine what he can achieve in the coming years. He’s a young star on the rise, and the future in Philadelphia looks bright.



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