Types of plants that attract mosquitoes

2024-08-27 06:00:51

There are two types of plants that attract the attention of mosquitoes and should be avoided if you are prone to mosquito bites. Also find out which plants repel them.

Last updated: August 27, 2024

If you are prone to mosquito bites, look for plants that attract these insects. indeedcertain aromas are attractive to them It’s best to recognize them to avoid them altogether.

Which plants attract mosquitoes, and which plants can help you repel these annoying visitors?

Plants that attract mosquitoes to avoid

Although a study published in the journal modern biology means mosquito Attracted by the smell, lactic acid and carboxylic acid particles, There are other aromas present in the sweat of humans and other mammals that are very attractive to them.

Therefore, people who are sensitive to bites may still be attacked by these small insects despite the steps they take to suppress these acids. In this case, their bites will be due to side effects, such as plants you may have in your home that may attract them.

So, we’ve broken down the types of plants that attract mosquitoes and that you should avoid, according to the experts.

1. Plants with nectar-bearing flowers

It turns out that mosquitoes are easily attracted to plants whose flowers contain large amounts of nectar. indeedwhich is their food source. Especially for male mosquitoesabsorb only this nutrient. To understand better, all mosquitoes eat nectar, but female mosquitoes supplement their food with blood. This provides them with other nutrients not found in nectar, helping them lay more eggs.

So among these countless nectar-rich flowering plants, Blunt-leaf orchid (Hinoki cypress) stand out. according to Researchirresistible to mosquitoes. Because it presents a bouquet that contains a combination of compounds that stimulate their sense of smell.

In fact, the plant has been determined to stimulate the brains of these insects. Similar to what happens when they detect a warm-blooded host.

2.Aquatic plants

mosquito Lay eggs in warm, still water. where they are kept safely until they hatch and ready to take off. This is why aquatic plants and vases attract mosquitoes. Especially those areas that have been neglected and have not had regular water changes.

Some of the most common plants that grow in household water are: pothos, bamboo, water lettuce, squid, and Adam’s ribs, among others. Additionally, plants are grown in open areas but in The environment is very humid and prone to waterlogging.and also attract mosquitoes.

in this case, It’s not the plants themselves that attract these annoying visitors. But the aquatic environment It is located in it. Therefore, if you are prone to mosquito bites and like aquatic plants, you should change the water frequently. In order to avoid all diseases harmful to health, according toPan American Health Organization (PAHO).

Are there any plants that repel mosquitoes?

The good news for those who are prone to mosquito bites is that just as there are plants that attract mosquitoes, there are many other plants that repel them. There are even several repellent products that take advantage of the properties of these plants. in:

Basil lemon balm lemongrass lavender mint rosemary

What these plants have in common is Their aroma isn’t exactly sweet, but more of a mint and lemon flavor. Therefore, it is best to carry them if you live in an area where mosquitoes are common and you are prone to bites.

In addition, it is also recommended to avoid using vases, pots and various containers that are prone to water accumulation. Especially in warm areas affected by these insects.

Finally, keep in mind that you should avoid sweet flavors in lotions and creams when walking in wooded areas or open environments. And don’t forget to use a good insect repellent.

All cited sources are thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, timeliness and validity. The bibliographies included in this article are believed to be academically or scientifically reliable and accurate.

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