Type 2 Diabetes Diet: Foods to Avoid and Recommended Alternatives

2023-12-23 19:06:59

December 23, 2023 – 3:06 pm

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Although family history and genes play an important role in the development of type 2 diabetes in humans, there are other factors that increase the risk of suffering from this disease. These include a low level of activity and a poor diet coupled with excessive body weight around the waist. For all these reasons, you should be careful and know which foods you should avoid if you have type 2 diabetes. By reducing your intake, the risk of suffering from an associated pathology will be lower.

You must establish a controlled and healthy diet and mix it with aerobic and anaerobic physical exercise, doing it at least three or four times a week. Training is the best ally for patients with diabetes.

Foods you should avoid if you have type 2 diabetes

We must worry regarding providing the metabolism with the basic nutrients so that it works at 100%. Diabetic organisms have irreparable damage, which can be fought but not cured. One of the ways we can help them is by eating certain foods and avoiding bad ones.

Beyond the examples that we are going to give you, the rule is that you reduce your consumption of saturated fats, trans fats and sugar.

High fat meat

Pork, some beef and lamb increase blood fat levels and compromise your health. You should replace them with lean cuts, removing all the fat and cooking them with as little oil as possible.

whole dairy

Replace milk, cheese, creams and other products of dairy origin with plant or animal variants but skim. Foods from soy, oats and almonds, to name a few, are good options in this case.


There is no alternative here. You must say goodbye to sweets. Desserts, cookies, candies. All of them are counterproductive for diabetic patients. And the same with foods with added sugars or sweeteners. Say goodbye to them immediately.

Sugary drinks

Sometimes misleading due to labels that do not make it clear how they are made, these drinks with high sugar content can cause a worsening of diabetes 2. Do not regularly drink juices, sweetened teas or sports drinks.

Processed foods

Except on very specific occasions, chips, ready-made meals and microwaveable foods should not be part of your diet. Neither do other apparently “good” ones, such as ground beef, due to its high percentage of fat.

And what foods are recommended?

The diet recommended for patients with type 2 diabetes is rich in vitamins and minerals. To do this, there is nothing better than consuming various fruits and vegetables every day. Regular intake of these foods makes it easier to keep the disease at bay.


Prioritize seasonal ones, which have gone through fewer artificial conservation processes. Eat pears, oranges, apples, etc.


Especially include green ones, such as broccoli, cucumbers and spinach. Don’t forget the cauliflower or zucchini.

Whole grains

They are ideal as substitutes for wheat flour. We suggest quinoa, couscous and brown rice.


Beans, lentils and chickpeas are interesting garnishes for your dishes due to their fiber, folic acid and other B complex vitamins.

Heart-healthy fats

Avocado and olive, canola and sesame oils, among others, have healthy fats. They have no contraindications, although you should moderate their consumption because they are high-calorie foods. Eat small portions with lighter foods.

What drinks are recommended?

The only ones allowed are water, black coffee and tea without sugar, and fruit and vegetable juices without additives.

By OKDiario

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