Two young physiotherapists found their health center in Antibes

2023-07-28 08:30:00

General practitioner, physiotherapist, osteopath, all in one place. No more right-to-left prescriptions and months-long waits for an appointment. This is the wish behind the new Antibes center health center founded by Antoine Basset, 23, and Ludovic Chialva, 27. These two young physiotherapists moved to Boulevard Gustave-Chancel in early July.

“We wanted to found this center to work together and simplify the medical journey of patients”, explains the youngest of the duo. Indeed, it is possible to make an appointment directly on site or via Doctolib in a few clicks. Inside, the place is brand new and is divided into two parts. A side devoted to general consultations. And the other, dedicated to physiotherapy with state-of-the-art equipment and four modern-looking boxes with numerous medical machines. “It’s a real comfort to work in these conditions. We know that, for each patient, we have a solution”says Ludovic Chialva.

“We are perfectly complementary”

The story between the two men goes back 5 years. It was during their physio studies that they met. Since then, the pair has been inseparable. “Together, we are perfectly complementary. Where I am less good, he is excellent and vice versa”, says Antoine Basset. The latter even managed to repatriate his friend to his home, on the Côte d’Azur. “He managed to make me leave the center of France for the sun”, smiles Ludovic. But the city of the Remparts was not chosen at random. “We felt that there was a real opportunity and a real need. This type of structure is extremely useful, we found it brilliant and we were keen to reduce waiting times for our patients by centralizing forces”he explains.

Towards a small emergency service?

Barely installed, the two physiotherapists are already thinking regarding what’s next. The desire is to create a complete center with more specialties and above all an emergency service. “I think there is also a real need. If the ARS allows us, we will look for a new location not far away to install it as soon as possible. At the same time, we will recruit a general practitioner to take care of it”, says Antoine. For now, the duo is already looking to expand its offer, including a dermatologist.

#young #physiotherapists #health #center #Antibes



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