Two years of “lockdown for unvaccinated people”: MFG reminds us of discrimination and exclusion

2023-11-15 13:30:31

Constitution, fundamental rights and civil liberties trampled on by the government

On November 14, 2021, the pro-government ORF announced in a headline: “Across Austria: Lockdown for unvaccinated people from Monday.” This unfortunate day of arbitrary and evidence-free discrimination once morest Austrian citizens is now celebrating its second anniversary. The MFG – People – Freedom – Fundamental Rights party warns: This must never happen once more! And it is a reminder of the inhumane hardships that have arisen as a result of this regulation.

“Corona will not be over until the massive restrictions on fundamental rights and freedoms – which critics still consider to be unconstitutional – have been addressed,” explains LAbg. Joachim Aigner, MFG-Austria federal party chairman. On November 15, 2021, the federal government attempted to lock up people who did not want to submit to experimental genetic treatment. We now know that all claims regarding these so-called “vaccinations” were false and lies. They never protected once morest infection, never created sterile immunity, did not protect once morest passing on the disease and above all – the “vaccines” were anything but tested and safe.

“All claims regarding these so-called vaccinations were lies.”

LAbg. Joachim Aigner, MFG-Austria federal party chairman

With the “lockdown for unvaccinated people” measure, the unelected Chancellor Schallenberg (ÖVP), assisted by the unelected Health Minister Mückstein (Greens), wanted to humiliate the people of Austria and force them to take an unexplored and potentially very dangerous injection. All those who resisted the pressure at that time were subjected to brutal bullying and exclusion. The resulting hardships and human suffering were disproportionate to the benefits of the measure, even if the vaccination had worked. Because the so-called pandemic with the supposedly dangerous disease existed mainly in the media.

“We must not forget what was done to people during this lockdown!”

LAbg. Dagmar Häusler, BSc., MFG-Austria Federal Party Chairman Deputy.

At that time, there was no longer any space in the psychiatric outpatient clinics for children and young people, who were already under heavy pressure due to previous measures such as playground closures and mask madness. The youngest children were persuaded that without the gene injection they would endanger the lives of their parents and grandparents. At the same time, the oldest generation, who had made their life’s work for Austria, were left to die alone in the hospital. Everything that was fun, everything that was healthy was banned – just think of culture and sport. But many health services such as massages were also made impossible. In workplaces and other places, unvaccinated people were forced to undergo pointless and toxic tests. All of these measures led to inhumane and, above all, medically evidence-free discrimination once morest a population group that would not have been thought possible. While the restrictions for the population were in force, the federal government celebrated wildly on government radio ORF.

These measures were flanked by unspeakable sayings from the short-term Chancellor Schallenberg, who reduced the citizens to cattle. You have to “tighten the reins on the unvaccinated.” Or “Christmas will be uncomfortable for the unvaccinated.” Such statements are inexcusable and cannot simply be forgotten even following two years have passed. In addition, neither Schallenberg nor his inglorious successor Karl Nehammer ever apologized to the population. Nehammer has promised clarification, but nothing has happened yet.

“The MFG party will do everything to ensure that this abuse of the Austrian population is not forgotten and is dealt with completely.”

LAbg. Manuel Krautgartner, MFG-OÖ Klubobmann

Even if the Austrians deserve to finally experience normality once more – and not the “new normal” with all its restrictions, but the “old normal” with future prospects and without vaccination dictates: we are still far from being able to return to “business as usual”. pass over and act as if nothing had happened. From the perspective of many critics, these are serious crimes once morest people and humanity – and something like this must never happen once more. This is exactly why the MFG party stood for election, was elected to the Upper Austrian state parliament and is responsible to its voters.

Questions & Contact:

MFG State Parliament Club Upper Austria
(+43 732) 7720 – 17402

#years #lockdown #unvaccinated #people #MFG #reminds #discrimination #exclusion



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