Two years after the femicide of Guadalupe Curual, the latest resolution on former judge Videla was known

This February 23 is fulfilled two years following the femicide of Guadalupe Curual (20) in the hands of her ex-partner, Juan Bautista Quintriqueo, in the heart of Villa la Angostura. Today the last resolution on the now ex-judge Jorge Alberto Videla was knownwhom the family of the young woman and the then Minister of Women, Gender and Diversity of the Nation, Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta, had asked to be investigated for alleged negligence in her actions.

Videla was in charge of the La Angostura multi-law court. He had intervened in the previous complaints made by Guadalupe once morest Quintriqueo for gender violence. The Violence Office had determined that the young woman was at “moderate/high” risk.

After the femicide, he resigned on March 1 at your expense. This prevented the initiation of a jury trial process that might end with his removal.

The prosecutor of the Gender and Domestic Violence Unit, Carolina Mauri, affirmed that the ex-magistrate did not act negligently and dismissed the submissions.

He stated in his decision that Videla “complied with the obligations protective measures that Law 2785 ordered him to comply with” and It was critical of the agencies dependent on the provincial and municipal states.

«A concrete and specific plan for this particular situation was not jointly designed, of high complexity, while she was crossed by various factors, individual and social, that deepened her vulnerabilities; such as: the lack of a family and social network in Guadalupe, the problematic use of substances by Quintriqueo reported by Guadalupe, the lack of a general policy to care for children of working mothers in situations of violence, the lack of a state approach to men who exercise violence in the localityMauri said.

He stressed that there was no coordination “generating an institutional support network, in which the most suitable body is at the center and not the Judiciary.”

However the Judge of Guarantees, Juan Pablo Balderramaconsidered Mauri’s decision premature. He ordered the investigation to be deepened. and that it reaches all State agents.

Finally, today the resolution of the prosecutor Valeria Panozzo was known, who considered that there were no elements, in contrast to the complaint filed by Marcelo Hertzriken Velasco, to file charges once morest Videla for the crimes of culpable homicide in ideal competition with breach of the duties of a public official.

«That Videla does not attend a hearing or does not dispatch a document on time, or declares that the law is an aspirin They may be unscrupulous behaviors, or ethically reprehensible if you will, but not as elements of the objective type in the culpable homicide, “he stated.

Panozzo added: “The actions or omissions that might seem negligent at first, such as not having raided to seize all the knives, not having adopted a more burdensome measure such as arrest, among many that are mentioned, do not explain the harmful result per se either. . I do not have evidence to explain that, if he had acted otherwise, the defendant (Quintriqueo) would not have killed Guadalupe anyway.”

The case was archived. The complaint requested a review before the chief prosecutor, who in this case is Pablo Vignaroli.

The only person who was convicted by criminal justice in this case was Sergeant Héctor Quichán, who was in charge of Quintriqueo’s custody at the La Angostura hospital. He admitted to being guilty of the omission of the duties of a public official and a fine was imposed.

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