Two-year-old girl with acute gastroenteritis with high fever and febrile cramps | Confirmed | Children | COVID-19

[Epoch Times, May 18, 2022](The Epoch Times reporter Chen Wenmin, Taiwan Miaoli reported) A two-year-old girl continued to have diarrhea. The family thought it was acute gastroenteritis. The girl’s family members denied any history of exposure to COVID-19, and Li Haoyuan, director of the Pediatrics Department of Weigong Memorial Hospital, informed the family that she was likely to be infected with COVID-19. -19, the PCR was tested immediately and the PCR was positive for COVID-19. Due to the poor appetite and the risk of dehydration shock, he was admitted to the COVID-19 special ward for treatment.

Director LichildOperational Screening Reagents (for Christine Memorial Hospital)

Director Li Haoyuan of Pediatrics pointed out: recently observedchildCommon symptoms of infection with new coronary pneumonia (COVID-19) include high fever, with a fever of 40 degrees every dayDiagnosedSick children, children under the age of five who have a sudden high fever may cause heat cramps, and infection with COVID-19 is currently the most common cause of high fever in children, so special attention should be paid. If a child has a sudden heat cramp recently, it may be highly suspected Infection with the new coronavirus.

In the emergency room, parents of sick children often ask regarding the completion of the COVID-19 PCR, how to check the PCR test results of the sick child? The public-funded screening PCR will not automatically notify the results. One to three days following the screening, you can log in to the “Health Passbook” of the Health Insurance Express App, and go to the “Details” tab of the “COVID-19 Vaccination/Virus Test Result” function. View “PCR Test Results”. For the test results of children, please check the “Dependent Management” in the “Health Passbook” of the child health insurance dependent (parent or parent), click to enter the page of the child’s name, and check the child’s “COVID-19 vaccination/virus test results” “.

Director Li helps children operate screening reagents (2)
Director Li helps children operate screening reagents (provided for Christine Memorial Hospital)

Director Li said that childrenDiagnosedAfter being infected with COVID-19, parents must drink enough water and eat nutritious food in order to fight the virus in addition to the medicine prescribed by the doctor. In addition to recording the body temperature of the sick child, parents must record the amount of food and urine in one day, observe the vitality state, record the number of breaths per minute, monitor blood oxygen, observe whether the breathing has chest concave, skin color or lip color, and whether the limbs are cold .

Most children infected with COVID-19 have mild symptoms, basically the symptoms of a cold or upper respiratory tract infection: fever, sore throat, cough, nasal congestion, headache, fatigue, soreness, etc. Some may experience symptoms such as chest pain, chest tightness, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, neck pain, rash, and general tiredness. Most of the infected children will have a fever, and the fever temperature is not low, usually above 39 degrees. Most children have a fever that goes away in regarding 2 days.

In addition to fever, older children have a sore throat and younger children have a cough. However, if you have shortness of breath without fever, you should pay special attention. If you enter into inability to eat or feed, loss of consciousness, convulsions, fatigue, difficulty breathing, red eyeballs (symptoms of hypoxia), and low blood pressure, it is a moderate-to-severe condition and must be Seek medical attention as soon as possible according to the method prescribed by the epidemic command center.

Director Li further pointed out that children infected with the new coronavirus may cause a more serious “Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children” (MIS-C), with symptoms such as persistent fever, eye congestion (symptoms of hypoxia), abdominal pain , diarrhea, dizziness (symptoms of low blood pressure), rash, vomiting. It is not enough to just observe the fever. If you still have poor activity following the fever has subsided from the 4th to the 6th day of the diagnosis, you still have wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pain, chest tightness, or have not eaten or urinated for more than 12 hours following the fever has subsided, you must do so as soon as possible. Seek medical treatment in the manner prescribed by the Epidemic Command Center.

Although children infected with COVID-19 are mostly mild, occasionally there are still children who progress to moderate to severe and life-threatening illness. According to the recommendations of the CDC, family members should pay attention to whether the sick child has the following moderate symptoms: fever for more than 48 hours, or high fever of more than 39 degrees with chills/cold sweats; persistent poor mobility following fever reduction; persistent shortness of breath/ Wheezing or chest pain; persistent vomiting, headache, or abdominal pain; no food or urine for more than 12 hours. If you have the above symptoms, you must have a video consultation, and if necessary, you must arrange to go out to see a doctor. ◇

Editor in charge: Chang Ying



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