Two-year-old Galaxy S20 has a sudden screen problem-ePrice.HK

For flagship mobile phones launched in recent years, manufacturers will provide system upgrades for at least two or three years, and security updates may even last for three or four years. Consumers usually assume that the mobile phone hardware can be used for at least the same number of years. Recently, there have been comments from Galaxy S20 users in the Reddit discussion area and Samsung’s official customer forum, saying that there are problems with the screen, and there are a lot of them.

Screen problems keep appearing

The Galaxy S20 has been on the market for about two years, and it is not surprising that occasionally users have encountered damage to their phones, but foreign media have found a surge in complaints about the Galaxy S20’s screen recently. spans the entire screen. It is temporarily unknown whether the cause of the lines on the screen is related to hardware damage or software. If it is the latter, it may be related to the recent system update, but judging from the photos uploaded by the user, it seems that there is a greater chance of a hardware problem.

Most of the broken machines have expired maintenance period

Since most users’ mobile phones are two years old, it means that the warranty period has expired. If users do not plan to pay for repairs, they have only two choices left to replace or continue to endure.





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