Panur: A two-storey house in Central Elangode caught fire. Aleema’s house in Kulangarantavida was completely gutted by the fire. Aleema’s children Sajitha and Soudha, Sajitha’s husband Mahmood and Soudha’s son Jamal were at home at the time.
The incident happened just following 10pm on Tuesday. Panur police and fire brigade reached the spot and immediately put out the fire. The rescue operation was carried out by the locals who fled following seeing the fire. The two gas cylinders in the kitchen were removed and replaced to avoid further disaster. The loss is estimated at over Rs 5 lakh.
The house is useless. The first floor was completely burned down. K.P. Mohanan MLA, Municipal Chairman V Nasser Master, Councilors Khadeeja Khader and M Ratnakaran, Political Party Leaders V Surendran Master, PK Shahul Hameed, PPA Salam and TT Rajan Master , Ali Nanath and others visited the place