Two soldiers killed in bomb attack by FARC dissidents in Colombia

Two soldiers killed in bomb attack by FARC dissidents in Colombia

Two Colombian soldiers died during the attack / Photo: EFE

Two soldiers were killed following a front of the Central General Staff, the largest dissident group of the FARC, attacked an army battalion with explosives in a rural area of ​​the Nariño department in southwestern Colombia, military sources reported.

The attack took place early Sunday morning in the Canoas sector, in the Nariño municipality of Policarpa, once morest “troops from the 14th Land Operations Battalion who were carrying out security work,” the Army explained in a statement.

The attack was carried out with “improvised explosive devices” launched by members of the Franco Benavides front and caused the deaths of professional soldiers Clever Manchabajoy and Jhon Freddy Fernández.


According to the Army, the dissidents would have used “illegal means and methods of war, which not only affect the troops, but also put at risk the life, integrity and property of the people and protected assets.”

“This command deeply regrets the death of our brave soldiers, who lost their lives in the performance of the security and defense of the country, and we reiterate our deepest condolences to their families and loved ones in this difficult moment,” the statement added.

The Central General Staff (EMC), the main dissident group of the FARC, is divided into a group that is negotiating peace with the government and another that is not and has intensified its military actions once morest the military and the police in the southwest of the country.

Bogota / EFE

#soldiers #killed #bomb #attack #FARC #dissidents #Colombia
2024-07-16 22:42:40



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