“Two Rainy Phases”. How Things Are –

Some are already talking about the end of summer. The drop in temperatures in recent days, in fact, could make us think of a taste of autumn. However, the heat has not said goodbye to us definitively. Word of Colonel Mario Giuliacci, who speaking to fanpage.it clarified the weather we should expect in the coming days. Until August 31, the day on which summer ends from a climatic point of view, there will be at least two more heat waves, even if less strong than the one that overwhelmed the peninsula in June and July. The high temperatures, however, will alternate with rainy phases in which there will be thunderstorms and scattered showers.

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“Until the end of the month there will be a mix of days with thunderstorms and moderate heat, that is, below 35 degrees because there will be high pressure that will bring good weather but it will not be the African one. It will be a high pressure located over Eastern Europe and will also embrace Italy, so it will not be full of hot Saharan air”, explained the meteorologist. Two short heat waves are expected. The dates? “In the North, the first will arrive between Thursday 22 and Saturday 24 August with temperatures between 30 and 33 degrees and then the second between 29 and 31 August. In the Center between Thursday 22 and Monday 26 August and then between 29 and 31 August. Finally in the South between Saturday 24 and Monday 26 August and between 29 and 31”.

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However, we must not believe that tropical nights are about to return or that instability will reign supreme for the entire month of August. There will, in fact, also be two rainy phases. Between Wednesday 21 and Friday 26 August, the rain will be “isolated everywhere”. Then the second stormy phase “between 26 and 28 August everywhere but with accumulations between 10 and 20 mm in the North, Sicily, Calabria and southern Sardinia”, concluded Giuliacci.

#Rainy #Phases #Tempo
2024-08-21 21:20:57



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