Two people were killed in separate attacks.

Rosario experiences another violent night. In less than an hour, there were two new crimes in the city of Rosario. The first was that of a 22-year-old in the vicinity of La Mandarina, where he was shot by subjects who passed by the place. The second occurred in the Ludueña neighborhood, where a man was shot to death by unknown assailants who passed by and opened fire on the victim.

Minutes before 9:00 p.m., a man was shot to death in the García Manzo and Matienzo passage area.

According to the first information, the man was on public roads when a car passed with four people on board and he started shooting.

As a result of the attack, the victim was hit by several shots and died at the scene.

There is consternation in the neighborhood for this new murder and the logical pain and indignation of their relatives.

This murder occurred eight blocks from where This Thursday night a young man was shot to death in the French area at 2000 and eight blocks from where last July 23 a 44-year-old man who had crossed the street to buy cigarettes and was shot to death.

A young man murdered in the area of ​​La Mandarina

A little more than half an hour before, the first crime had taken place this Friday night in Rosario. It was near the area known as La Mandarina, where a young man (22 years old) was riddled by subjects who passed by the place and shot him dead.

The incident occurred tonight, around 8:00 p.m., in the area of ​​Avenida del Rosario and Lituania, where a 22-year-old man was shot at by subjects who passed by and opened fire on the victim. According to the first information, they fired at least five shots at him.

>> Read more: New crime in Rosario: a young man was murdered in the La Mandarina area

The mechanics of the crime are still unclear. But according to some information, the attack occurred on the sidewalk and the victim managed to get inside the house, where she died.

One piece of information that might have been a threat or at least a previous warning was that less than 24 hours before this murder, a vehicle that was at the gate of that property was set on fire in that same place.

Firefighters managed to put it out, but the damage was total.


A vehicle was set on fire less than 24 hours earlier in the same place where the murder of this young man took place this Friday. (Photo: via Twitter @HernanFunes)

The Criminal Investigation Agents and the prosecutor Bianchini work at the scene.

With these two homicides, that of the 22-year-old and the man who was murdered in the Ludueña neighborhood, there have been 175 murders in the Rosario department so far this year.



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