Two people died in Marseille, Italy. Is this species so dangerous?

2024-08-24 13:10:56

This is the story of a spider that is believed to have killed two people in Italy within a month. Recently in France, a 17-year-old boy was bitten, causing part of his foot to become necrotic. Enough to worry even the most arachnophobic people in the region, especially since the species is also found in France, specifically in Marseille. However, according to arachnologist Anne Bounias-Delacour, this information must “many tweezers“And don’t”Don’t worry”: They are discreet and harmless, and their bites are neither painful nor fatal.

“We’d rather call them ‘Red Cables'”

Seth”fiddler spider“Small in size (up to 7.5 mm), it is named after a violin-shaped spot on its body.”From now on they are called “Loxosceles rousses” in French. (or Loxosceles rufescens, editor’s note), assured Anne Bounias-Delacour, contacted by phone. This is to avoid worrying people. There are a lot of articles written on this subject that are not very subtle (sic) and the word violinist is starting to scare people”.

They are reported to exist in Mediterranean countries, Asia and North America World Spider Catalog Managed by the Museum of Natural History in Bern. “In France, these spiders are very common in the departments of the Gard, Hérault and the Mouth du Rhônedesignated experts. In Marseille and elsewhere in the province they live in old houses and under stones. These spiders are photophobic, meaning they hide from light and take refuge in very dark areas.”.

as”all spiders“, this”Rhodophyllum“Only by biting can you protect yourself:”For example, if you put on a t-shirt and one of the people is stuck“But it’s still there.”very very“Rare. ”According to the University Hospital of Nimes, there is an average of one bite incident requiring hospitalization every 5 years.“Arachnologist explains he was baffled by two people dying in quick succession from bites”violinist spider”.

Seven people die from spider bites every year around the world, and surprisingly two cases occur in the same country in a row. I take this message with a grain of salt.thinks Anne Bunias-Delacour. If you are bitten, you won’t feel it for a while, but will be in pain the next day. Generally, people go to the doctor and antibiotic treatment is enough (if necessary, this is not always the case, editor’s note)”. In the most serious cases, but “extremely rare“, these bites can cause”necrotic lesions“, if not treated, ok”gangrene”.

But for scientists, there’s really no need to worry:”There has never been a death from a spider bite in France.”.

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