“Two parties”. Grillo’s faithful challenge the Conte wing –

A hot summer for the 5 Star Movement grappling with the clash between founder Beppe Grillo and current president Giuseppe Conte. There is a storm among the parliamentary groups. According to a behind-the-scenes story in the Corriere della Sera, about twenty M5S members are on a war footing after the announcement of the 5 Star Constituent Assembly, the assembly to reform the program, called at the beginning of October without consulting the elected representatives. “Our fear is that of witnessing a repeat of the States General, the outcome of which was ultimately totally disregarded”, say the rebel parliamentarians who raise doubts about the choice of the company called to organize the event, the same as the States General: “Were various companies surveyed? What does the treasurer say about it?”.

“Neither seen nor heard”. Total ice between Conte and Grillo on the relaunch of the M5S

The grillini are in fibrillation. But the Conte wing brands their suspicions as “ridiculous” and claims the “great innovative process” that is supposedly underway in the Movement. Reassurances that do not prevent dissidents from waving the eternal scarecrow, that of secession. Among the 5 Stars “there are those who prophesy two parties: “One with a symbol yet to be invented, the other with a name but few faces”, we read in the background while Paolo Becchi, M5s ideologist of the first hour, points out that Grillo has realized that Conte is leading the Movement into a dead end.

#parties #Grillos #faithful #challenge #Conte #wing #Tempo
2024-08-10 02:52:09



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