Two new colleges at the start of the school year in Loire-Atlantique – Hello Gazette Nantes

Students are getting ready to go back to school. In the department, two colleges will open their doors for the first year in Nantes and Chaumes-en-Retz.

The start of the school year is being prepared and for two establishments Loire-Atlantiquethis will be a first. From September 2, they will welcome 6th grade students enrolled in the two new middle schools in Nantes center and Chaumes-en-Retz. They will be supported by the Department to facilitate their integration. in their new environment ” he said in a press release.

In Chaumes-en-Retz, they will have a new generation, planted courtyard. The Nantes college, for its part, ” will welcome students from priority neighborhoods and from advantaged neighborhoods in the city center thanks to a new sectorization promoting social diversity ” indicates the Loire-Atlantique Department.




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