Two investigations opened for rape and school harassment of an 11-year-old child by a comrade

Two investigations were opened, one for viol and another for school harassmenttold 20 Minutes the floor of Vienna confirming information fromNews Lyon. An 11-year-old child has been raped and sexually assaulted on several occasions since the winter of 2021 by one of his comrades. This boy, as well as two other students, would also attack him at the Marroniers private school, in Condrieu in the Rhône, since the start of the summer holidays, when he spoke regarding what he was undergoing at his parents for almost a year.

“In August, on returning from what he thought was a friend, the child victim found the strength to confide the real reasons for his pain in the penis”, says master Jean-Christophe Basson-Larbi, the lawyer of family. According to him, this classmate would have imposed “systematically, each time he received his boyfriend at his home, oral sex and anal penetration”. Between the winter of 2021 and August 2022, the child went “five or six times” to the suspect’s house and during this last invitation, he was allegedly bitten.

“He talks regarding suicide”

When the parents learn the facts, they decide to discuss with the father of the boy in question to obtain an explanation. “This man would have replied that his son loved small asses too much for it to be true, reports the lawyer. And the return to school only makes the situation worse for the young victim. »

As early as September, the respondent allegedly recruited two schoolchildren to mock, threaten, assault and insult the 10-year-old child at the time. “And that, every day”, assures master Jean-Christophe Basson-Larbi. This school harassment was, according to the lawyer, noted by the teaching staff and the director who summoned the parents “without it leading to concrete measures”, he said.

He adds: “It is the harassed schoolboy who has been sidelined, especially in the canteen. He suffers even more teasing while eating with the little ones. My young client would like all this to stop. He even speaks of suicide, of a dream in which he imagines himself dying. »

The institution “guilty in its inaction”

The boy’s condition has deteriorated particularly with weight gain, psychological monitoring and anxiety attacks that prevent him from returning to class, says the lawyer. “He hasn’t been to class since December 8,” he continues. It was an open day on the occasion of a party organized at the school and the father of the main suspect took the opportunity to attack the child. It was also the date of his son’s summons to the gendarmerie, the family having filed two complaints, for rape and for school harassment, on October 26.

Maître Jean-Christophe Basson-Larbi specifies that another complaint was then filed on this subject on December 29th. “And a third investigation has been opened by the prosecution in connection with these events,” he learned recently.

He supports that this man incurs up to five years of imprisonment. His son will benefit, him, “from a justice for minors which aims to prevent rather than to punish”, supposes the lawyer. In the meantime, he hopes that the Marroniers institution will react to “protect the child victim” because it makes itself “accomplice and culpable in its inaction”. “A school exclusion should have already taken place,” he exclaims.

Contacted by 20 Minutesthe private school assures, in a press release, that “everything is made of [son] side so that there is no impact on the life of the establishment and to guarantee the well-being of [s] students “. With regard to the accusations of rape, the institute points out that “the supposed and presented facts are external to the establishment and are the subject of judicial investigations, which do not [le] do not question”.



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