Two historical survival and horror shooters, almost given away on Steam

The entire saga of the creators of Counter-Strike is at an incredible discount on the PC gaming platform.

Steam always launches incredible offers on most of its games. Now, he goes for more and does not offer a discount on a single title, but on an entire historical saga.

Two historical survival and horror shooters, almost given away on Steam

Left 4 Dead is a series of video games made history and now, its two titles can be obtained at an incredible price on the PC platform. The package including Left 4 Dead y Left 4 Dead 2 have a 25% discountwhat leaves it at ARS$ 194.98. Separate sets are not on sale. so we will save a lot of money if we buy the package with this incredible promotion.

Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead 2

What is Left 4 Dead regarding, the Valve saga that is discounted on Steam

The video games of the series developed by the creators of Counter-Strike son cooperative survival horror shooters. They are set in a zombie apocalypsein which four players will have to survive in a destroyed world. With a plethora of maps, weapons, and cutscenes presenting an incredible story, enjoyment is guaranteed in both titles.. So much so that Left 4 Dead was chosen as the best cooperative shooter in 2008, the year it was released.

Trailer for Left 4 Dead 2, the second game in the historic saga


Trailer for Left 4 Dead 2, the second game in the historic saga

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