Two girls and mother found dead in Tulln district

According to Stefan Pfandler, the head of the Lower Austrian State Office of Criminal Investigation, a handgun was also discovered and confiscated in the area. The public prosecutor’s office ordered autopsies, which are to be carried out on Thursday.

The three bodies were discovered on Wednesday at around 3 p.m. by a relative. The crime scene team and officers from the Life and Body Department of the State Criminal Police Office were on site that evening. Interviews and questioning were carried out. “We are in the middle of crime scene work, and it will take some time,” Pfandler told APA.

A forensic pathologist has also arrived in the community in the Tulln district. With his help, the course of events should be reconstructed. The role of the confiscated handgun will also be examined – “whether it was used and how,” emphasized Pfandler.

(SERVICE – The suicide prevention portal of the Ministry of Health offers support for people with suicidal thoughts and their relatives. Contact details of support organizations in Austria can be found at Information for young people can be found at

This article is continuously updated, last at 20:49.



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