Which in a strange way coincide with the subjective ones. The handshake, for example, that K. Mitsotakis and N. Androulakis exchanged at the general meeting of the SEV may not have had the coldness of previous handshakes, but, according to the information, the re-elected leader of PASOK in the short conversation they had while the handshake lasted, he refrained from making the slightest allusion to their pending meeting.
In Parliament
While in the pre-agenda debate that took place the previous day in the Parliament, K. Mitsotakis made it absolutely clear that he prefers to have N. Androulakis and PASOK as his interlocutor-opponent. M. Maximou was waiting for the outcome of the elections for the nomination of the president of PASOK. And as it seems, the result did not cause skepticism or much more disappointment. The government wants to have in front of it a distinct opposition and a pole of even medium size. Such a development takes it out of the extremely difficult position it finds itself in after the European elections: Not to have an opponent of a party, but to have a direct “opponent” of society and its problems.
Thus, in an objectively difficult period, with two wars, with an explosion of inflation and with a derivative wave of accuracy, he did not have to contend with an existing and documented different proposal of another party, but with the discontent of the citizens. Hence the completely unprecedented thing, that the government wears out and that no party is actually strengthened. Neither the disbanded SYRIZA nor the cachetized reinforcement of PASOK nor the “ultra-patriotic” right were even close to being an alternative solution.
Now K. Mitsotakis has an opponent, who – like himself – will constantly be in the judgment of society, if he can propose something more fair but also realistic, if he guarantees the political stability of the country and if he can ensure a better tomorrow for the country. The effort of N. Androulakis is not at all easy, as the government has decided to open a “two-front fight”: In favor of reforms and the constant improvement of the living standards of citizens and at the same time in favor of a responsible and effective foreign policy. It is a tactic, which at the same time lands the debate in reality, where realistic policies are confronted and compared and leaves no room for populist and irresponsible hyper-patriotism from safety and through myths and fake news.
Difficult exercises
The government, according to information, intends to put many difficult exercises on the new opponent, who wants nothing to do with the unbridled verbiage of the SYRIZA leftists. A series of reform bills, which will be submitted to the Parliament, will test in practice the ability of PASOK to remain on the ground of responsibility and seriousness (such as the postal vote). While the big challenge will be the debate on the revision of the Constitution, which will make it clear what is really and not nominally progressive and what is anachronistic.
The new landscape that is taking shape, which is the “old bipartisanship” may help to make the public debate more fruitful, but it will actually help to clear up the political blur created after the European elections.
The election of the President of the Republic, next February, will also be a critical test, although it does not create conditions of political instability due to the impossibility of electing a General Assembly. However, the attitude of each party and member of parliament will help to draw useful conclusions about the real role of each.
Her nightmare Novartis haunts the scavengers
Without hoods now, Philistor Destepbasidis and Maria Marangeli, the former protected witnesses of Novartis, will face the Justice. The lawsuits filed by A. Samaras, A. Georgiadis, G. Stournaras and A. Loverdos are very likely, according to information, to be framed by the lawsuits of some of the remaining 6 political figures who were hanged on the gallows.
Since both figures are controversial, there is widespread concern both within SYRIZA and in judicial, legal and journalistic circles about what they may say when facing criminal charges. F. Destebasidis is in prison for fraud, independently of Novartis. And M. Marangeli was sued for embezzlement by K. Frouzis, whose secretary she was. According to information, the embezzlement problem was allegedly “solved” by the SYRIZA-AN.EL government. and thus M. Marangeli became “Ekaterini Kelesi”. An additional headache for those concerned is the comfort and willingness of the two former hooded witnesses to testify even to monstrous lies. “Will they hesitate to say anything to save themselves?” wondered a senior prosecutor.
The two witnesses who are now homeless will be asked to say who/they dictated to them to testify what they had monstrously testified. Simply put, the essence of the investigation of the “Novartis scam” will be here and now. As stated by the government representative P. Marinakis, the decision of the Economic Prosecutor’s Office, apart from being a “landmark decision”, is the one that will allow “the truth to shine”. An expression that is very close to “to the end” of A. Samaras. Characteristic was also the complete embarrassment (the ball in the platform) of SYRIZA, who, from all this important development, remained that the decision of the Financial Prosecutor’s Office is… “tombstone to the institution of the protected witness”! About the snuffbox, talk. Not even because the trial court, which used false witnesses, did not deal at all with the existing scandal of 4,500 doctors who lavishly prescribed Novartis drugs, with the result that Greece, unlike the USA, did not receive compensation from the multinational giant.
In the light of the important decision of the Economic Prosecutor’s Office, various questions that have been raised since then take on a completely different meaning, such as: Is it possible that A. Tsipras, while destruction was happening in the country, did not know about and did not participate in such an important event? What was D. Tzanakopoulos doing at the Supreme Court on the day the matter “broke”? How did P. Polakis know that some of the “birds” we “caught” “chirped”? What exactly role did D. Papagelopoulos play who had spoken about “the biggest political scandal since the Greek state was established”? A judicial circuit had been set up with the participation of judicial officials, which channeled to specific media and journalists developments from the… future?
The list is not exhausted by the above questions. As there is also $56 million distributed to a lawyer and undercover witnesses. As long as it is proven formally that the witnesses who testified in Greece are the same ones who testified in the USA, the issue takes on other dimensions.
While the even more essential dimension, if it is proven that false witnesses were used in order for a party to win the elections, is the one that had since been formulated by Eu. Venizelos. That is, it was an “attempt to subvert the state”, which carries penalties corresponding to “high treason”.
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The most important events that happened today, October 27
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It seems like you’re working with a segment of JavaScript code for loading various advertising and tracking scripts, including Google AdSense, OneSignal, Disqus, and others. Let’s break down some of the components of this script and provide a clearer structure, while also addressing some of the incomplete parts. Here’s a revised version focusing on clarity and completeness:
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### Key Modifications:
1. **Comments and Structure**: Added clarity by using comments to indicate where values should be filled in (e.g., script URLs).
2. **Functionality Completion**: Emphasized the need to fill in the missing parts where noted.
3. **Modularization**: Wrapped the entire functionality in an IIFE for encapsulation.
4. **Error Handling & Comments**: Added error handling as comments for scripts that might cause issues, giving context for each section.
With these changes, the script is more structured and easier to maintain. Make sure to fill in the placeholders with actual URLs or logic as required.