Two former top civil servants win case for higher pension

2023-08-03 05:51:21

These two senior civil servants had seen their increased pensions reduced following the scandal of parliamentary pensions and their additional allowances.

Two retired civil servants who had taken legal action after their monthly pension was reduced to the maximum ceiling won their case in summary proceedings, report Het Laatste Nieuws and De Morgen on Thursday.

The Federal Pensions Service had decided to reduce increased pensions of eight former senior civil servants after the parliamentary pension scandal, in which several former senior civil servants benefited fromsupplementary pension allowances.

A trial in Brussels

The people concerned had seen their allowances reduced to the legal ceiling and had been asked to return the money overpaid.

Two of them then brought an action for interim measures against this decision and won their case. The court ruled that the Federal Pension Service could not not, for the time being, reduce their monthly allowances.

A trial on the merits of the case has also been opened before the Brussels court. A first judgment is expected for the fall.

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