Undisputed UNESCO World Heritage: The Leaning Tower in Pisa
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There is a lot of criticism of the PISA study. The educational researcher Olaf Köller considers international comparison to be central. PISA critic Rainer Bölling sees questionable statements in the OECD report.
IThere has been a lot of controversy regarding the PISA study in recent weeks. The German Association of Philologists called for the study to be suspended; there was great excitement following the German-born Director of Education at the OECD, Andreas Schleicher, sharply criticized the German education system and the teachers, whom he described as taking orders, in several newspaper interviews.
Professor Dr. Olaf Köller is Managing Director of the Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (IPN) in Kiel and member of the board of the Center for International Comparative Educational Studies (ZIB) in Munich, which is responsible for the German PISA report in Germany. Dr. Rainer Bölling is a teacher and educational historian by training, has been following the data collection of the PISA studies for many years and has published critical texts regarding it.
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