La Malagueta bullring. First of the season. Bullfight with picadors.
Six bulls were fought Countess of Sobral, generally lackluster.
- Alejandro Chicharro: wounded.
- Alejandro Cano: half-thrust and descabello in which he killed in place of his wounded companion (silence), detached thrust (silence) and puncture and opposite thrust (applause).
- Simon Andrew: two punctures and a low thrust (silence), puncture and thrust (ear) and puncture and half thrust (ear).
After the parade ended, a minute of silence was observed in memory of Ildefonso del Olmopresident of this square; and in memory of the businessman and rancher Jose Luis Martin Lorca.
The square recorded two thirds of the way in on a hot afternoon, which became windy as the show progressed.
Alejandro Chicharro underwent surgery of “a blunt incised wound in the posterior region of the left thigh measuring 7 cm, with an upward trajectory of about 15 cm and another 12 cm downwards to the popliteal fossa, with blunt dissection between the biceps femoris and semitendinosus with rupture of some muscle fibres of the external biceps femoris.” Simón Andreu was taken to the infirmary after being wounded in his right thigh when he went in to kill the sixth of the afternoon.
The 2024 Malaga Fair, bullfighting-wise, has been brought forward this year by up to three days with regard to the explosion of fun that awaits the city of Malaga until August 24. The bullring of The Malagueta wants to join this party. In this case, it is the Fiesta with a capital F that we hope to enjoy in the six season events and the three promotional bullfights.
It started the first of the paradesthe one corresponding to the bullfight with picadors, with the emotional memory of two great pillars of bullfighting in our capital and province in recent decades, such as the sadly deceased Ildefonso Dell’Olmo, president of this same bullring, and the magnificent businessman and rancher José Luis Martín Lorca.
The silence continued in the first of the afternoon, which hurt the Madrid native Alejandro ChicharroHe arrived as the most accomplished performer on the bill, with a Puerta Grande at Las Ventas this year, and he was assigned a performance that was tame from the start and did not allow him to deploy his cape. He only allowed himself to be goaded by the horse that was making the door, and everything made it seem that the first act was going to be in vain. The only one who thought differently was the bullfighter, who wanted to toast the Master Ruiz Miguel and he began to bullfight it with statuesque movements. He even tried to pass it changed by the back and ended up cradled. He escaped that first somersault, but In the next natural he tried, he took him down, giving him a goring in the back of his left thigh for which he had to be operated on in the infirmary.It was Alejandro Cano who had to transport him with relative speed.
Alelandro Chicharro was injured by a bull’s horn in the first of the afternoon. / Álex Zea
The order of the fight was altered, and it was the turn of the debutant Simón Andreuwinner of the International Bullfighting Schools Competition last year, to kill three young bulls. The first of them was the second, with which he wanted to show his variety in the cape reception by chicuelinas. He was not a model of class either, but at least he had a background of nobility that, together with what happened to his companion, justified the toast to the infirmary. The Valencian was ready, not hesitating to cross when necessary, and withstanding the stops of his opponent. It was difficult to repeat the deception to the bull, subtracting emotion from the whole.
It was difficult for someone still so inexperienced in the fourth of the afternoon, which he received with a good disposition with a kneeling farole. He had the virtue of mobility, but above all with the right horn he was witty. He didn’t want anything there, and not even above. Many keys for a bullfighter still with a notorious and justified inexperience. He didn’t get bored, he held on, and he came out victorious with a benevolent ear. The first of the cycle and which put on the table a coin that until then, in the general computation of the afternoon, was clearly on the cross.
He had one bull left to face her, and he was determined to get it. However much it cost him his blood, as it finally happened. He placed banderillas with the desire to please again, although this is an aspect in which he will have to continue to grow. With the crutch, he offered the most temperate moments of the afternoon on the right hornAt times it seemed that the triumph against a noble but dull animal was fading away. He went for the kill and pricked, receiving a goring that tore his breech and forced him to go to the infirmary at the end of the event. Doing so after having taken one ear must have hurt him less.
Alejandro Cano’s debut
We had already spent an hour celebrating when the third one of the afternoon came out. On average, three hours, or what is the same, a toastThe first thirds of the first of Alejandro Cano’s lot did not suggest that the coin would turn around either. With the cape, the only thing to note was the bullfighting style with which he tried to lead the horse by aprons. The bull was not in the mood for many toasts, but he went to the media to dedicate it to the fans who, in a good attendance, gathered in the stands. It was his presentation in the capital of his province, and for the man from Marbella it was a vital opportunity. He opted for the left horn, but at no time was he given up and it did not allow him to show himself comfortable against another very lackluster animal, beyond a quick series, curiously, on the right.
He had one bull left, which ran in fifth place, and the livestock debacle was confirmed with another bull devoid of bravery. There was danger, sometimes silent and other times obvious, and there was no other option than to defend oneself, show the will that must be demanded of someone who wants to be a bullfighter, and leave on foot and empty-handed with the logical disappointment of not having had any options with the Condesa de Sobral’s swashbuckling.