Two dead after an accident on Route 188 • Diario Democracia

Last night, minutes before 21 hoursfor reasons that are trying to be established, there was a tragic road accident in the kilometer 213 from National Route N°1 in Lincolnat the height of the town of Bayuca between three vehicles: a car Renault 9a truck Renault Oroch and a Volkswagen T Cross.

The people who died were on board the car Renault 9 and were identified as Ivana Pereyra y Jesus La Gioia of 30 years oldboth of them from Lincoln. With them also traveled a 14 year old teenageraccording to sources, is admitted to intensive care in critical but stable condition possible transfer al HIGA hospital in Junín.

On the other hand, in the van Renault Orochcirculated a couple of journalistsa 71-year-old man and a 60-year-old woman, owners of a major radio station in Lincoln. Lastly, in the Volkswagen T Crossa 75-year-old man and a 73-year-old woman were traveling, both domiciled in Bayauca. All of them, according to sources, with “various polytraumatisms”.

Staff from the lincoln emergency service integrated to Volunteer Firefighters, SAME and Road Police. Also, the Prosecutorial Assistant in charge of Dr. A.S. John Martin Chameleonti and experts of the Junín Scientific Police who carried out, respectively, the criminal investigation and the expertise.

The route was closed for several hours. until the end of the research. Vehicles traveling on the national highway were detoured down a country road alternative.<



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