Two construction workers killed in Vienna: accused not sane

This is the result of a psychiatric report commissioned by the public prosecutor’s office, said authority spokeswoman Nina Bussek on Friday afternoon in response to an APA request. The 34-year-old man from the Czech Republic is not guilty. This means he avoids being charged with double murder.

The psychiatric expert came to the conclusion that the man committed the homicides he was accused of under the significant influence of a serious and lasting mental disorder, explained Bussek. At the same time, the 34-year-old should be viewed as dangerous. The psychiatrist therefore assumes that there is a high probability that the man will again in the foreseeable future, under the significant influence of his mental disorder, commit an act that is threatened with punishment and with serious consequences. In his report, the expert therefore advocates placement – for an unlimited period – in a forensic therapeutic center within the meaning of Section 21 Paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.

“Clear opinion”

According to Bussek, the corresponding application has not yet been submitted to the State Criminal Court. However, the report is “clear”.

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After his arrest, the 34-year-old confessed to knocking a 44-year-old work colleague unconscious in his room on July 16 and then falling out of the fourth floor window. At first it was assumed that it was an accident, but when a second colleague of the Czech was found in the same hotel a week later with a crushed skull in his room, this assessment of the law enforcement authorities changed. The 34-year-old had obtained an access card for the 29-year-old’s room on July 23rd and then acted against him with extreme brutality. Footage from a surveillance camera led to the trail of the Czech, who was arrested in his home country at the beginning of August and subsequently extradited.

He had worked with the two victims from Slovakia in the same company that had accommodated the workers in a hotel not far from the Franz Josef train station. Regarding the motive, the suspect explained after his transfer to Vienna that he felt threatened by the two. They belonged to the mafia. The information that the man gave during his interrogation of the accused and his overall impression raised doubts among police investigators about his sanity.



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