Two construction companies share the asphalt mega plan that Bariloche begins

The government of mayor Gustavo Gennuso seeks to accelerate the promised public work with the beginning of an important asphalt plan financed by the municipality and a work delegated by the province which was tendered last year and was delayed due to a replacement of pipes.

The municipal asphalt plan is one of the axes that the mayor has for his last year of management. In December, he awarded twelve private tenders what were shared between the local construction companies Hidraco and Codistel, for a total of 867.286.603 pesoswhich will come out of the municipal coffers.

This investment, which has no immediate precedent in terms of asphalt, arose following dozens of neighborhoods opposed the concretion of asphalt in neighborhood streets through the contribution system for improvements, where it was proposed that the front owners and beneficiaries face the cost indirect with payments of up to 340,000 pesos per family.

Gennuso said days ago to BLACK RIVER that the plan will be “multi-year” with projection to 5 or 6 years. This scheme has more stages and a second batch of works will be called for tender before winter.

The private tenders for this plan were awarded not for the specific streets but for the work of concrete or asphalt concrete pavement, with labor and materials. These are the accesses to the El Cóndor neighborhoods, the El Frutillar collector, Monteverde and Chacao streets, repaving of Onelli, Elordi, La Paz and 20 de Junio, among others.

In Bariloche’s asphalt plan there are streets that will be made of concrete and others of asphalt concrete. Photo: Chino Leiva

One of the important works will be the paving of the old road to the Catedral hill, in a 3-kilometer stretch between Bustillo avenue and Carlos Bustos route. This artery is Provincial Route 79 and at some point it was promised by the Government of Arabela Carreras, but it never materialized and now it will be carried out by the municipality. It is estimated that will start in february because it is currently a busy road as an escape route from the west.

There is a lot of work, I think there has never been so much work at once in the entire city and we are happy, sometimes in some we have delays, but if we complement that with works that the province faced, with works that faced jointly with the Nation such as the hospital, the terminal, the truth is that a period of reconstruction is coming to a close interesting”, Gennuso told this newspaper.

In parallel, this week finally began the concreting of the Morales street work It is executed by the municipality and is financed by the province with some 49.3 million pesos.

This 600-meter trunk street, between Anasagasti and Vilcapugio, in the Belgrano Sudeste neighborhood, a few meters from the city center, was awarded last year and in November the company Codistel appeared to start but immediately had to suspend the tasks due to the request of the DPA to change underground pipes before concreting the pavement.

“Is regarding a very complex task because it is a rough terrain and the characteristics of the soil require special treatment. But without a doubt it will be a very significant advance for the city in general”, said Claudio Otano, Secretary of Environment and Urban Development.

Also this week the municipality, through the Ministry of Public Works and Services, began the concrete pavement on Piedras Street, between 24 de Septiembre and Avenida de los Pioneros, with a modality of neighborhood contribution. There the frontists pay 80% of the work and the municipality contributes the remaining 20%.

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