Two common breakfast mistakes that cause women to ‘store more belly fat’ during menopause

Navigating Menopause & Breakfast Faux Pas

Navigating weight loss during menopause is like trying to find a clean toilet in a music festival—complicated, messy, and you’ll often find yourself regretting your choices. Let’s face it, hormonal imbalances turn the simple act of shedding pounds into a circus act where the clowns are your hormones playing tricks on you.

The Breakfast Blunders

Recently, nutritionist Sarah Lawuk graced her TikTok followers with insights exposing the “two worst breakfasts” during menopause. And trust me, you’re going to want to take notes—or at the very least *really* reconsider your breakfast choices.

Breakfast Mistake #1: Black Coffee – The ‘Empty Calories’ Trap

The first misstep? Having nothing but black coffee. Yes, I know what you’re thinking: “But I love my morning caffeine fix!” Well, Sarah isn’t against coffee; she’s against using it as a breakfast replacement. Seriously, it’s like trying to fuel a car with a single drop of petrol. You’ll rust out before you rev up!

Sarah explained that many women often skip breakfast in the name of intermittent fasting, thinking they can magically turn their bodies into calorie-burning machines. But ladies, tread lightly! Fast if you must, but know this: going out of your way to stress your body further during perimenopause is like poking a bear with a stick and running away.

Why Black Coffee Doesn’t Cut It

Starting your day with just black coffee spikes cortisol levels—yup, that lovely hormone that likes to trigger stress responses and belly fat storage. Not quite the breakfast of champions, is it? It’s more of a breakfast of ‘Let’s ruin our metabolism while we’re at it!’

Breakfast Mistake #2: Cereal and Berries – The Deceptive Delicacy

And what’s the second blunder on this nauseating breakfast menu? A bowl of “lovely” cereal like Weetabix with a sprinkle of berries. Sounds harmless, right? But hold your applause! While it may seem like a wholesome start, Sarah emphasizes that low-fat, high-fibre doesn’t automatically mean it’s the best option.

Where’s the Protein?

Sarah bluntly points out the gaping hole in this breakfast choice: protein! Where’s the protein, folks? It’s like throwing a party and forgetting the guest of honour. A lack of protein can secretly contribute to weight gain during menopause. Who knew your breakfast could be sabotaging your weight-loss aspirations?

You see, as you age, your body needs more protein—like a toddler needs nap time. Without it, you’re risking a loss of muscle mass, which, let’s be honest, is an essential component of prolonging healthspan as we age. Also, a low-protein breakfast leaves you feeling hungrier, and guess what? A hungry person is not a happy person, and nobody wants to deal with a hangry menopause warrior.

In Conclusion

So there you have it—the breakfast blunders that could be derailing your wellness journey during menopause. Remember, it isn’t just about cutting calories; it’s about making those calories count. Instead of sipping black coffee or wolfing down a bowl of cereal, treat your body to a breakfast that’s packed with protein and healthy fats. Think eggs, avocado, or a protein smoothie—because you deserve more than just a fleeting caffeine hit or a bowl of sorrowful carbs!

As you embrace this stage of life, remember that knowledge is your best ally. Navigate these changes with a sense of humor and a plate full of the right food. After all, a happy woman is a powerful woman, and the right breakfast can start your day on an entirely different note.



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