Two Chinese executives were murdered in the Philippines, and the Taiwanese suspect “Li Na” was arrested – Wenxue City

Source of the article: China Times News Network on 2024-09-23 08:59:11 – The news is taken from major news media, and the content of the news does not represent the position of this website!

Taiwanese female suspect “Li Na” was arrested in South Korea. (Photo taken from

Taiwanese female suspect “Li Na” was arrested in South Korea. (Photo taken from

Two senior executives of a Chinese medical device company were kidnapped and killed when they went to the Philippines for work more than two months ago. The Philippine police suspected that the two victims were deliberately set up by a Taiwanese woman named “Li Na”. The mysterious Li Na has been missing since the incident. It is understood that Li Na was arrested in South Korea on the 22nd and her true identity was revealed. She is a 44-year-old woman named Chen. Because China and South Korea have signed an extradition treaty, the South Korean police will extradite Chen to China for investigation and trial.

On July 2, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning hosted a regular press conference and confirmed that a Chinese citizen was kidnapped and killed. Another victim was a Chinese American named Sun. His friends presented evidence showing that Sun went to the Philippines at the invitation of the Philippine medical equipment company MEDEV. Chat records showed that the inviter was Li Na, who claimed to discuss overseas product distribution business.

After the incident, the Chinese police cooperated with the Philippines to launch an investigation and arrested several suspects involved in the case. They suspected that Li Na, who invited the couple, was a major suspect, but Li Na had already fled the country.

South Korean police arrested Li Na in Seoul yesterday. The identity of Li Na, who was wearing a black baseball cap and white clothes, was also exposed. Li Na holds a passport of the Republic of China. Her real name is Chen. Her birthday is May 17, 1980. Her birthplace is In Taipei. The police said that China and South Korea have signed an extradition treaty, and they can extradite each other regardless of the nationality of the target. Taiwan may not be able to do anything, but the police will continue to understand the relevant cases and progress. The follow-up will be handled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.



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