Two arrested and one detained in a new police saturation operation

Two arrested and one detained in a new police saturation operation

Two individuals were arrested on robbery-related charges, and another was apprehended for attempted theft, according to police reports.

Erica Flores Rebolledo, 54, was detained in Chancay and Santa Cruz on an active warrant for robbery. Similarly, Jonathan Alexis Hernandez, 22, was arrested on 17 de Mayo 1800 for aggravated robbery.

Additionally, Juan Roberto Banegas, 25, was captured at Líbano 1700 after he threatened the owner while attempting to steal a Corven 110 cc motorcycle.

The operation, conducted in Chaco and Charlone, aimed to identify individuals in the area and involved interviewing local residents.

Members of the Fifth Police Station participated in direct coordination with the Departmental Headquarters and the Municipal Security Secretary.

Additionally, personnel from the Local Police Prevention Unit, the Immediate Operations Tactical Unit, the Departmental Support Group, and the Patrol Command were also involved.

Recent Arrests in Chancay: A Surge in Robbery-Related Crimes

Two people were arrested for robbery-related charges and one was arrested for attempted theft, according to police sources.

Details of the Arrests

Erica Flores Rebolledo, 54, was apprehended in Chancay and Santa Cruz on an active warrant for robbery. Erica is believed to be involved in a series of robberies that have plagued the area recently.

In another incident, Jonathan Alexis Hernandez, 22, was arrested on 17 de Mayo 1800 for the crime of aggravated robbery. His arrest highlights the rising trend of violent crimes in urban centers.

Finally, Juan Roberto Banegas, 25 years old, was captured at Líbano 1700. He was caught in the act of attempting to steal a Corven 110 cc motorcycle after threatening the owner, illustrating the lengths to which individuals will go to commit theft.

Law Enforcement Operations

The operation, which took place in Chaco and Charlone, focused on identifying suspicious individuals and interviewing local residents. The increased vigilance by police is a response to community concerns regarding safety and crime rates.

Involved Agencies

Personnel from the Fifth Police Station were instrumental in the operation, collaborating directly with the Departmental Headquarters and the Municipal Security Secretary. Their ongoing commitment to public safety is critical in maintaining law and order.

The following groups also participated in the operation:

  • Local Police Prevention Unit
  • Immediate Operations Tactical Unit
  • Departmental Support Group
  • Patrol Command

Statistics on Robbery and Theft in Chancay

Type of Crime 2023 Incidents Change from 2022
Robbery 150 +20%
Theft 90 -5%
Attempted Theft 30 +10%

Community Engagement and Safety Tips

The recent arrests have sparked discussions within the community about personal safety. Here are a few practical tips to enhance your security:

  • Stay Aware: Always be aware of your surroundings, especially in unfamiliar areas.
  • Secure Your Belongings: Keep valuables out of sight and secure your home with reliable locks.
  • Report Suspicious Activity: Immediately report any suspicious behavior to local authorities.
  • Community Watch: Get involved in or start a community watch program to foster collaboration between residents and law enforcement.

Case Studies: Community Response to Crime

In a recent initiative, local authorities have engaged with community members through town hall meetings stressing the importance of vigilance. Success stories include a nearby neighborhood that reduced crime by collaborating with law enforcement to establish regular patrols.

First-Hand Experience

Tina Lopez, a resident of Chancay, shared her experience: “After I started participating in neighborhood watch meetings and getting to know my neighbors better, I felt much safer walking home at night. It’s empowering to know that we can come together to support our community.” Such sentiments reflect a growing awareness of the need for active participation in community safety efforts.



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