A few days ago, Ubisoft gave a very rough description of the release period for “Skull & Bones” and narrowed it down to the end of the current financial year. An age rating gives rise to hope that the launch will take place sooner rather than later.
Update: In Australia, too, “Skull & Bones” has meanwhile been classified and given a M-Rating (recommended from 15 years). The description reads: “Adult issues, violence, drug use, harsh language and sexual innuendo, online interactivity and in-game purchases.”
It’s another indication that the release of “Skull & Bones” is not that long in coming.
Message from May 14, 2022: It’s been a few years since Skull & Bones was announced. However, Ubisoft was in no hurry to develop it and has not yet ensured that interested players can sail the virtual seas. After all, the final release period was recently narrowed down. The title should in the current financial yeari.e. by the end of March 2023.
An initial age rating suggests that the launch of “Skull & Bones” might actually be closer than expected. As VGC reported, the title was recently rated in South Korea, which initially only applies to the PC version. The South Korean Game Management Committee describes in the classification, among other things, the depiction of alcohol and drug consumption, so that the game (at least in South Korea) is not suitable for young people.
Release before Christmas?
The early age rating might mean that “Skull & Bones” will conquer the consoles and the PC in the current calendar year, i.e. before Christmas. In this case, Ubisoft should soon provide further release information. The final publication would certainly not come too soon. The project started as an offshoot of Assassin’s Creed Black Flag, launched in 2013, and has been catapulted backwards several times.
In April it was reported that the internal playtests for “Skull & Bones” start up A few weeks earlier was from a good progress of development the speech. It’s a very promising new IP that focuses on multiplayer first, in line with Ubisoft’s strategy of emphasizing multiplayer competition and co-op, CFO Frédérick Duguet said in a statement at the time.
More Skull & Bones news:
In “Skull & Bones” players slip into the role of an aspiring pirate captain who travels the seven seas in his ship, assembles a crew, acquires treasures and occasionally goes into battle. At the same time, players are faced with the task of managing their own resources, including food, water and ammunition. For example, malnutrition can provoke a mutiny.
More news regarding Skull & Bones.
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