Twin City Liner damaged on Vienna’s Danube Canal near Ostbahn Bridge

According to the operating company of the ship, which travels between Vienna and Bratislava, the Twin City Liner had to avoid an obstacle at 8:42 a.m. shortly after leaving Schwedenplatz near the Ostbahn Bridge. The ship was damaged in one of its two hulls and could not continue its journey.

According to the operating company, the obstacle came from the Ostbahn bridge itself, which is currently being renovated. Construction work was already underway at the time of the accident. Fortunately, no one was injured. The ship is currently in the port of Vienna and will be brought to the Österreichische Schiffswerften AG in Linz as soon as possible for repairs and a check, it said. “At present, it is not possible to estimate when operations with the Twin City Liner can resume,” the operators emphasized in a press release. Buses were immediately made available to the passengers for the return journey to Schwedenplatz.



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