Tuscany’s Weather Whirlwind: Thunderstorms and a Sudden Chill Signal Summer’s Departure

Florence, 12 September 2024 – “The Tuscanylike the rest of the Peninsula, will collapse between Thursday 12th and Friday 13th in thefall” The meteorologist says so Lorenzo Tedici. The 30 degrees reached in many cities including Firenze they will therefore only be a memory compared to what will happen in the next 48 hours: in some cities we will have a halving of the maximum temperatures.

Almost all of the Center-North on Friday 13th it will oscillate around fully autumnal highs, around the value that in the last few days represented the minimum: 20 degrees. A temperature that, in recent years, has rarely been recorded for more than one day in September; and this autumn phase it will be quite long.

And in the meantime, for today, September 12th, a…yellow alert in Tuscany. The measure will be valid in some areas of the region: the areas affected are the north-western ones, the stretch of coast from the north to Piombino (including the Archipelago) and the southern areas corresponding to the mouth of the Fiora and Albegna.

Thunderstorms and rain, locally heavy, are expected especially in the north-west areas. Strong south-westerly winds with gusts up to 70-90 km/h on the Livorno coast and on the Archipelago north of Elba and locally on the Apennine and leeward areas.

Gusts up to 60-70 km/h on the other hilly areas and up to 50-60 km/h on the plains in the north of the region. Rough seas north of Elba with possible storm surges on exposed coasts. Very rough seas elsewhere.

We will have a drop of even 15 degrees, the snow on the Alpsup to 1500-1700 metres (on the border reliefs up to 1100 metres!), there will be widespread rain and strengthening winds.

In the weekendfinally, we will also find the solebut in an autumnal thermal context. Throughout the country, temperatures will struggle to go above 19 degrees in the hottest hours. “Think about it – explains Tedici –, a year ago such cool maximum temperatures were recorded only from mid-October onwards, or rather locally only from November onwards. In addition to the falling maximums, the rain, snow and windor (with local storm surges) we will also have almost cold nights: the minimums will drop to single digits, for example in Milan we will have 7-8°C at dawn for the whole weekend, a decidedly cold value for the period. A September disguises itself as November“. All this is the result of a ciclone poles that is hitting Italy. In the next few hours, therefore, we will experience a general drop in temperatures during an acute phase of bad weather that will initially hit the North East, Eastern Liguria e Tuscany with strong and disturbed south-westerly currents. We will find cloudbursts in particular on Friuli Venezia Giulia, on Tri-Veneto in general and also on eastern Lombardy, with significant accumulations also onApennines northern.

The winds will be stormy from the south-west on northern Sardinia, in Liguria and in Tuscany, along the‘Central-Northern Apennines, Campania and Lucania, with gusts of rain on the Adriatic coast of Romagna and central Italy and on Puglia. In short, lots of rain, lots of wind and even snow on the Alps that will appear on the peaks above 1500 meters. Friday 13th we will have the peak of the temperature dropwith the thermometer dropping sharply

Weather forecast provided by the consortium Two. Friday 13th September: variable cloudiness with residual rain in the early morning hours on the eastern areas and the Archipelago and in the afternoon on the coast and surrounding areas. General improvement in the evening. Winds: moderate from the north, north-east, easing in the evening. Seas: very rough to rough. Temperatures: further decreasing; values ​​below the average for the period by 4-7 degrees. Saturday 14th September: partly cloudy with temporary cloudiness. Winds: light from the northwest inland, moderate on the coast with reinforcements in the central hours of the day. Seas: rough or temporarily very rough. Temperatures: minimums significantly decreasing with values ​​below 10 °C in the plains, maximums increasing, but still lower than the typical averages of the period. Sunday 15th September: clear or partly cloudy. Winds: light from the west, north-west with reinforcements in the afternoon on the coast. Seas: rough, easing. Temperatures: maximums slightly increasing further. Monday 16: partly cloudy with mostly medium-high clouds, more consistent in the second part of the day. Winds: light north-east with local reinforcements. Seas: slightly rough inshore, rough offshore in the second part of the day. Temperatures: almost stationary or slightly decreasing maximums.

Learn more:

Wind gusts up to 50 knots, morning of chaos at the port of Livorno

Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title‍ **Tuscany Weather Forecast: ‌Autumnal Chill Sets In:**

Tuscany Weather Forecast: Autumnal Chill Sets In

As meteorologist ‌Lorenzo Tedici predicts, Tuscany, along with the rest‌ of​ the Italian Peninsula, is bracing for a ​dramatic temperature drop⁣ between Thursday, September 12th, and Friday, September 13th.⁣ The region, known for its ‍picturesque landscapes and warm weather, will experience a significant cooldown, with temperatures plummeting by as much as 15 degrees.

Yellow Alert Issued for Tuscany

A yellow alert has been issued for Tuscany, effective from September 12th, with the north-western areas, the coastal⁣ stretch from north to Piombino, and the southern‌ areas corresponding​ to the mouth of the Fiora and⁤ Albegna rivers‌ expected to be particularly affected. Thunderstorms and‍ heavy rain are forecast, accompanied by strong south-westerly winds with gusts reaching up ⁢to 70-90 km/h on the Livorno ‍coast and the Archipelago‍ north of ‌Elba.

Temperature Drop and Autumnal Weather

Friday,⁤ September 13th,⁢ will see temperatures⁢ drop sharply, with the mercury expected to oscillate around fully autumnal highs of around 20 degrees‌ Celsius. This temperature, which was ​previously considered a minimum, will become the new norm in the region. The autumn phase is expected to last longer ⁣than usual,⁢ with temperatures struggling ⁤to rise above 19 degrees Celsius in​ the hottest hours of the day.

Rain, Wind, and Snow

The region can expect widespread rain ‍and strengthening winds, with⁢ gusts reaching up to 70-90 km/h in some areas. Snow is also forecast to fall on the Alps, reaching⁣ elevations of up to 1500-1700 meters. The wind will‍ be particularly strong on the⁣ Apennine peaks, with gusts ⁤of up to 60-70‍ km/h.

Weekend Weather Forecast

According ⁣to the weather forecast provided by the ‌consortium⁣ Two, Friday, September⁣ 13th, ⁢will see variable cloudiness with residual rain in the early morning hours on the eastern areas and⁢ the Archipelago, and in the afternoon on the coast and surrounding areas. Temperatures will continue to drop, with values ​​below the ⁢average for the‌ period ⁣by 4-7 ‍degrees [[3]].

Saturday, September ⁣14th, will be partly cloudy with temporary cloudiness, while Sunday, September 15th, will be clear or partly ‌cloudy. Temperatures will continue to ‍drop, with minimums significantly decreasing and maximums increasing, but still lower than ⁢the typical averages⁤ of the period [[2]].

Long-Term Forecast

Looking ahead, the⁤ 14-day weather ⁢forecast for Tuscany indicates that the temperature will range between 77°F and 53°F, with the hottest⁢ day expected on September 22nd and the coldest on September 13th [[1]].

Tuscany is bracing for a significant temperature drop, with autumnal weather⁤ setting in earlier than usual. Residents and tourists alike should be prepared for rain, wind, and⁢ even snow on the Alps, as well as chilly temperatures throughout the region.





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Fall Arrives in Florence and Tuscany: Unseasonable Weather Forecast

As Florence and Tuscany welcome the arrival of fall, residents and tourists alike can expect unseasonable weather conditions in the coming days. According to meteorologist Lorenzo Tedici, the region will experience a dramatic temperature drop, with maximum temperatures halving in some areas.

Current Weather Conditions

As of September 12th, a yellow alert has been issued for certain areas of Tuscany, including the north-western regions, the stretch of coast from the north to Piombino, and the southern areas corresponding to the mouth of the Fiora and Albegna. Thunderstorms and heavy rain are expected, accompanied by strong south-westerly winds with gusts reaching up to 70-90 km/h in some areas [[1]].

Temperature Drop and Autumnal Weather

By Friday, September 13th, the region will experience a significant temperature drop, with maximum temperatures oscillating around 20 degrees Celsius, a temperature rarely recorded in September in recent years [[2]]. This autumnal weather phase is expected to last for a while, with temperatures struggling to reach 19 degrees Celsius in the hottest hours of the day.

Weekend Forecast

During the weekend, the weather is expected to improve, with partly cloudy skies and temporary cloudiness. However, the temperatures will remain low, with minimums dropping to single digits in some areas, such as Milan, where temperatures are expected to reach 7-8°C at dawn [[3]].

Snow on the Alps and Bad Weather

The bad weather is expected to bring snow to the Alps, with snowfall reaching elevations of 1500-1700 meters. The region will experience widespread rain and strengthening winds, with stormy winds expected in northern Sardinia, Liguria, and Tuscany.

Best Time to Visit Tuscany

Despite the unseasonable weather, Tuscany is a beautiful region to visit, with its vibrant landscape and pleasant weather during the spring and summer months [[4]]. The best time to visit Tuscany is during the spring, when the weather is mild and pleasant, with temperatures ranging from 63°F to 79°F.

the weather forecast for Florence and Tuscany is expected to be unseasonable, with a significant temperature drop and autumnal weather conditions. While the weather may not be ideal, the region remains a popular tourist destination, with its rich history, culture, and natural beauty.








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